These instructions were ripped verbatim from Kenneth Larsen’s blog because it just worked! You can either use vi or nano to edit the files.
- Download the latest release of the Linux Crashplan Client from Crashplan website along with the client for your operating system if you use another operating system then Linux
- Upload the Linux client to the NAS and login to your NAS as root using SSH.
- You need to installe ipkg in order to do so. If haven’t done so already you can follow this guide:,_bootstrap,_ipkg_etc#What_is_a_Synology_Server
- You will need to install a few extra packages at your NAS from the command line:
- ipkg update
- ipkg install nano
- ipkg install cpio
- ipkg install bash
- ipkg install coreutils
- Move the uploaded client package to /opt
- Unpack the crashplan client: tar -xvf name_of_downloaded_archive_file
- Modify the script in the newly created directory to use bash as your shell. The first line in the script should be replaced with this one: #!/opt/bin/bash
- Install the crashplan using the options below. When asked about java allow it to be downloaded:
- CrashPlan will install to: /opt/crashplan
- And put links to binaries in: /opt/bin
- And store datas in: /opt/crashplan/manifest
- Your init.d dir is: /etc/init.d
- Your current runlevel directory is: /usr/syno/etc/rc.d
- Modify the /opt/crashplan/bin/run.conf by adding an additional option at the end of the two confiurations (This was already added when I did the install)
- Remove commandline options for the ps process in the /opt/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine file since ps doesnt accept parameters at the synology NAS: sed -i ‘s/ps -eo /ps /’ CrashPlanEngine;sed -i ‘s/ps -p /ps /’ CrashPlanEngine
- Modify the /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S99crashplan file line 1 to : #!/opt/bin/bash
- Modify the /opt/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine file line 1 to: #!/opt/bin/bash
- Modify the /opt/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine file line 14 with a full path for nice to: /opt/bin/nice
- Start your crashplan service /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S99crashplan start
- Validate that your service is running: netstat -an | grep ‘:424.’ should give to listeners:
- tcp 0 0* LISTEN
- tcp 0 0* LISTEN
- Edit /etc/rc.local and add “/usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S99crashplan start” without quotes, it seems to load after restart.
- Install your desktop client and point it towards the headless service you just installed. Follow the instructions in the crashplan website for this (
Update 8/19: Just to post a reply to this, there is a much better way to get this working now (and is what I use). Check it out at