Nginx + WordPress + Infinite Redirects

As I was migrating my websites to a new host (I may blog about that later as it’s been an interesting ride), I had this lovely issue where one of my websites would go into an infinite redirect loop when sitting behind the Azure CDN (custom origin).

Of course, it worked fine for all pages except for the root.  And it also worked fine when it wasn’t behind the Azure CDN.  For whatever reason, adding a bit of code to the functions.php theme seemed to work.

remove_filter('template_redirect', 'redirect_canonical');

I then had to add in a manual redirect in nginx via the below.  Still no idea why it doesn’t just “work” as it has before, but whatever. Now that it’s working, I should go back and figure out why it wasn’t with redirect_canonical…

server {
   listen 80;
   rewrite ^ $scheme://$request_uri? permanent;