
  • ESX 3.5 Upgrade Woes

    I really want to upgrade to ESX 3.5.  However, I’m not having that much luck with it.  I’ve tried 2x now, and have had the exact same experience.  So, I do the upgrade from 3.0.2 to 3.5.0.  However, after the upgrade, not all of my VMs function.  Some of them work just fine.  However, others are sitting at the command prompt saying that no OS has been found.  It’s weird because the drives are attached and recognized, but it doesn’t like to boot from them.  It’s like it can’t find the MBR. 

    Things I’ve tried to fix this:

    • Analyze the differences in the VMX and VMDK files between the machines that are working and aren’t.  This hasn’t given me much as there isn’t any difference.  The only difference I noticed was in the VMDK files.  The ones that booted correctly listed the “ddb.toolsVersion”.  The ones that hadn’t booted listed it as “0”.  Sadly, changing this didn’t fix anything.
    • Mount the non-functioning disks on working VMs.  By doing this I was able to view the contents of the disks just fine.  And amazingly, sometimes after doing that, the original VM actually booted.  However, they are very flakey and sometime revert back.  There is a lot of chkdsks going on on bootups too. Nothing is ever found, but it seems to always run.

    I really don’t know what to do at this point.  I know that I can downgrade again to 3.0.2 and it will work fine.  The machines will boot right up without issues.  However, to downgrade, that means I have to recreate all of my Virtual Machines again.  Not completely awful, but time consuming.  I may try to do a full install instead of any upgrade too, see if that works.  Any other ideas?

    I’d really like to move to 3.5 as it has some nice features.  Plus I’ll be sitting the VCP class soon, which will be on 3.5.

  • SQL 2005 and Windows 2008

    Having troubles running SQL Server Manager on your shiny new Windows 2008 installation?  Make sure you right click and do a “Run as administrator” on it.  Took me awhile to figure this one out.  Otherwise you’ll just get the error “Login failed for user domainuser.  (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)” even if you’re a member of the local administrators on the SQL box.

    Yet another instance of where UAC sucks.

  • Windows 2008 How-To Guides

    Microsoft released a bunch of how-to guides for various things new to Windows 2008.  You can grab them all from the MS Download page.

    Things I would definitely check out are:

    • Deploying SSTP Remote Access Step by Step Guide.doc
    • Server_Core_Installation_Option_of_Windows_Server_2008_Step-By-Step_Guide.doc
    • Windows Server 2008 TS Gateway Server Step-By-Step Setup Guide.doc
  • Exchange 2007 after Windows 2008 Upgrade Part 3

    After having issues with a potential bug on Feb the 29th, I’ve finally gotten things straightened out. 

    Today I attempted to move the mailboxes again, but received the same error message.

    Summary: 1 item(s). 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
    Elapsed time: 00:00:08

    User’s Mailbox

    The address list service on the server ‘servername.fqdn’ is not running. The Exchange server address list service failed to respond. This could be because of an address list or email address policy configuration error.

    The Exchange server address list service failed to respond. This could be because of an address list or email address policy configuration error.

    Exchange Management Shell command attempted:
    ‘fqdn/Managed Users/User’ | move-mailbox -BadItemLimit ‘10’ -TargetDatabase ‘servernameFirst Storage GroupMailbox Database’

    Elapsed Time: 00:00:08

    It turns out that all I needed to do was restart the System Attendant service on the machine I was trying to move the mailboxes to.  After I did that, everything moved successfully.  I then attempted to hit OWA on the new machine and it was successful!  So I finished moving all the mailboxes over, changed ISA to point to the new server name, imported the right certificate and I’m good to go.  Almost 5 days of downtime, but no email lost, yay!

    Now I just need to decommission the old Exchange box and give the new one more RAM.  Not a bad few days work.

  • Exchange 2007 after Windows 2008 Upgrade Part 2

    Well, I’ve got the new Exchange box up and running.  However, I can’t move the mailbox from one machine to the other.  Thankfully, I’m not the only one having this problem today.  It appears as though because it is the 29th of February (leap year), there is a bug in Exchange 2007 preventing certain things from completing.  There’s a nice TechNet thread on it, and it appears by setting your date to tomorrow fixes it.  I think I’ll just wait to move the mailboxes till tomorrow or later then 🙂

  • Exchange 2007 after Windows 2008 Upgrade

    I know it has been well documented that you cannot upgrade Windows 2003 to Windows 2008 with Exchange 2007 installed and expect Exchange 2007 to keep functioning.  However, let’s say you may have accidentally done the upgrade on a standalone Exchange 2007 box you have, you know, just in case it were to happen (like it did to me).

    Prior to doing the upgrade, you’ll notice a few things.  First of all, you’ll be prompted that you need to uninstall Powershell.  However, no where does the compatibility checker say anything about needing to uninstall Exchange 2007 prior to upgrading.  I found this hilarious (in a sad, pissed off way) because I had tried to upgrade my WSUS virtual machine first, and it had told me that I would need to uninstall Powershell and WSUS prior to upgrading.  I’m so glad that I wasn’t told anything about Exchange in a similar fashion.  Ugh.  By the way, I was running Exchange 2007 with SP1 prior to the upgrade…of death!

    The first stumbling block, which should have caused me to stop the upgrade process, was uninstalling Powershell.  Since I had installed it prior to installing SP2, uninstalling it becomes a pain.  This is because Powershell is a windows update and if you install a service pack you can’t uninstall any updates prior to the service pack.  Lovely.  Well, in another unsupported way you can uninstall it.  You have to browse to %windir%$ntuninstallkb926139$spuninstall and run the spuninstall.exe.  Now, this may or may not be on your machine anymore either.  On some of my virtual machines it was there, but on my Exchange server it was not, so I copied it over and ran it.

    Ok, so now I can upgrade, yay!  Windows does its thing and upgrades everything and restarts successfully.  I was actually fairly impressed when it booted up.  It looked like it actually worked.  However, then I went into the services snap-in.  I usually do this with this machine because it is slightly RAM starved and sometimes all the Exchange services don’t start.  Sure enough, they hadn’t all started.  So I went through and tried to start them all.  All started but the information store and the system attendant service because of a dependent service.  Crap, of course it’s the important ones.

    Well, first thing I tried was to reinstall Exchange 2007 SP1, just to see if that would work.  Of course this required me to reinstall Powershell, since that’s a pre-req.  No big deal, installed that easily.  Then when I tried to actually install SP1 it just bombed saying it couldn’t upgrade.  Looking through the eventlogs it was because it was trying to spin up those two services.  Great.

    Well, doing some quick registry editing, I found that the service it was dependent on was NtlmSsp.  Needless to say, this service does not exist on Windows 2008, hence the issue.  Two seconds later, I removed that dependency from within the registry and restarted the machine.  The machine reboots, and low and behold all of the services start.  And all the email that was in the queue on my Edge Transport machine left the queue and made it into Exchange.  Downside is that I was doing this all remotely and OWA still didn’t work.

    Honestly, I wasn’t that worried about OWA.  I mean, as long as I can get my emails back and then do the correct upgrade (aka, no upgrade at all) I’d be a happy camper.  Heck, even after installing Powershell back on it, I was able to open up Exchange System Manager.  Really, if I didn’t know all about the services and didn’t use OWA, I would’ve never known it wasn’t working.  Oh, well, maybe the exceedingly high CPU utilization, but oh well.

    When I got home, I had to test to see if I would be able to access my email.  Sure enough, Outlook worked like a charm.  I received all the queued email that had been sitting there for a day, and I was even able to send an email.  Pure craziness. 

    What makes this even better is that the Exchange team actually decided (well, they actually went into it knowing what they were getting into) to try this same thing too.  However, they weren’t able to get things working.  I think the large mess-up was re-installing SP1.  I’m glad I didn’t decide to go down that path, especially since mine worked.  Needless to say I’m working on building a new VM with Windows 2008 and then going to add it t the ORG and move the mailboxes over to the new one.  However, in the meantime, at least my email is functioning 🙂

    I’ll be sure to post again on if I ran into any more issues with the mailbox move.  Worst case I suppose I could just do an ExMerge (actually Export-Mailbox for 2007) on the mailboxes or dump the email out of outlook to a PST.  I’d rather not do that, but if that’s what it takes…

  • Commerce Server 2007

    I swear, could the Commerce Server 2007 documentation be any more cryptic? You really need to know what you’re doing to even get the Starter Site up and running (thankfully I’m fairly well versed in 2002 so it wasn’t that bad). Oh, but then getting the starter site load balanced is fun too. Nothing like the encryption they setup automatically, only there’s no encryption key stored anywhere. Thankfully we realized this early on as we have to re-key everything, and since we don’t have the original key file, that means we basically start from scratch for profiles.


  • Champaign Weekend

    After going downtown on Friday to go look at the stores (and hordes of people) with my family, I headed downtown for a wedding (congrats Bree and Eric!!).  The wedding and reception were great and they did an awesome job on both.  I can’t believe how far away I am from going through all that now.  Anyways, I was staying at a friend from work’s Mom’s place both Friday and Saturday night.  After the reception (sometime after 12), I almost decided to drive all the say back to Chicago (and yes, I was sober since I had been taking pictures all night).  Let’s just say my mood was less than stellar. 

    However, it’s a good thing I didn’t because today, my friend, the men from his family, and I went down to Oakland, IL to shoot some clays.  There’s a shooting range right off the highway, and we did a round of 100 Sporting Clays.  It was amazingly a lot of fun.  For both my friend and I, both residing in the Chicago area, this was the first time.  In fact, neither of us had shot a gun since we were both under 10. 

    To both of our suprise, we did quite well.  He got a 47/100 and I got a 36/100.  Not too shabby for the first time around in the cold drizzle.  While I don’t see myself doing this on a regular occasion (that could get expensive really quick), it is definitely something that I’d do again.  Oh, and damn those rabbits are hard.

  • Turkey Day

    Wow, I haven’t posted here in about, oh forever.  Regardless I hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey Day with friends and/or family.  This year it was at my place.  It was tight, but we made do.  🙂

  • City Life

    When I first moved up here, I was very excited about living in the city.  I think the excitement has started to wear off.  That’s not to say that I want to move out to the suburbs or anything drastic like that.  I think it’s more than I’d rather move somplace where I can do more outdoor things that I’m in to.  After going on vacation to Canada and Montana, I realized that I like it out there a lot more than here. 

    The ability to go climbing, hiking, biking, skiing, etc really has its benefits.  Stuff that’s a lot more difficult to do in and around the city.  There’s only so many times I can take the same paths or the same indoor climbing gym.  That’s not to say that I haven’t been walking about everywhere again, but at the same point, the city streets are a little bit different than the rockies…