Today is the big day to close on my place (less than three weeks after putting in my offer). I have the check in my hand, and now I wait till 1:30 to sign my life away!!
Home Owner
Woohoo! I got the place I put the bid in on! Sometime in the next month or so I’ll have the keys to my own place! I’m crazy excited!!
Way to go Erin on passing your boards! And you were worried, ha! Maybe next time you should just listen to me, because I obviously know what I’m talking about. 😀
As a followup to getting pre-approved for a loan, being a first time home buyer sucks. Either you get screwed with Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) or you pay out the nose for a second mortgage to cover the 20%. However, shopping around is a good thing! I initially went to Citibank since I do most of my banking there anyways. So far, they’ve been the highest. Lendingtree has actually been pretty helpful in finding better deals. Oh, and the best way to find a deal is definitely with a local company. Chicago gives a lot of benefits and incentives to first time home buyers in my price range, and the large companies don’t know anything about them.
Oh, and I’ll be looking downtown, most likely West Loop, West Town, Wicker Park, or Bucktown.
Home Buying
Yesterday I went in and filled out all the paperwork to get pre-approved for a mortgage. Yay!
links for 2007-02-22
Crack Kills
Well, Crackdown that is. That’s right, it’s killed my Xbox 360. Binford bought it and apparently tried to play it on my Xbox, and it locked up. Resetting the box resulted in the red three lights. I came home later, not realizing what had happened, and the Xbox booted up, I attempted to play Crackdown, I downloaded a needed update, and it locked up again. Restarting it gave the red three lights. After some fiddling, I got it to work again. I then booted it without a game, put in the Halo 2 disc, and it worked fine. Put Crackdown back in, and it locked up again. Some more fiddling, it comes back on. Play even more Halo 2, everything’s fine. Put in Crackdown disc, locks up. Unfortunately now, no amount of fiddling has gotten it to turn back on again.
Damn. So I called Xbox support. They run through everything to make sure it’s not the hard drive or the power supply. It’s not. I give him my serial number. He comes back and says that it’s not under warranty anymore. Well, it needs to be sent in because he can’t fix it over the phone, he asks if that’s alright. Of course, I tell him no. The damn thing worked fine before Crackdown, and now it doesn’t. Hell, it even worked with Halo 2 just fine, but stopped as soon as I put the Crackdown DVD in. Obviously this has nothing to do with my console and a whole lot to do with the game.
He talks to his supervisor. They won’t charge me for the repair, but I’ll have to pay to ship it there (normally Microsoft pays for that too, at least, when it’s under warranty). I say that that is acceptable, and he gives me all the details I need. I’m thinking about shipping it from work, that way Microsoft still ends up paying.
This definitely gets me wondering how non-sensical this machine is. It comes with a hard drive. Actually, some do, not all. Why are the updates not being applied to the hard drive? That way, when something happens, you can just wipe the drive and start over. Also, how is a game causing the thing not to boot anymore? It’s just a piece of software that runs at a very high level. There is no reason it should be able to influence how the machine runs. And then there’s the fact that it is a closed system. Everyone has the same thing, and the peripherals that do come out have to go through Microsoft. How I’d love to be able to QA programs that only have to run with one configuration, and yet, they seem to not be able to do that. Makes you wonder…
I just love coming back from a week long vacation, containing 5 business days, to over 1000 emails. I feel so, so, overwhelmed.