
You can definitely tell when I’m busy and when I’m not based on how often I update this site.  As you can image, from how infrequently I’ve been doing updates, that I’ve become incredibly busy.  I received a promotion, and now I’ve taken on about 10x more responsibility than I had before.  It’s definitely different than what I was used to, but it’s a good different (at least it still is right now).  Instead of just being a worker bee assigned to a project, I now, in so few words, manage all infrastructure aspects of projects that come into the department. 

This has resulted in a lot more work on my plate.  And not just more work, but more work that I’ve never done before (at least not at this scale).  Things like quotes and estimations.  Plus, I’ve been traveling some and trying to get some training done through NetApp.  Oh, did I mention all this responsibility was done by a person that was twice my level before my promotion?  Well, I can’t say that exactly because everything that he did didn’t just jump onto my plate, there’s a project manager that’s actually doing some of the work.  However, regardless, everything needs to cross my plate because of my technical abilities and my knowledge of what my team is doing.

We’re also getting a NetApp FAS3050C cabinet in on Tuesday.  This is why I’ve been doing some training on it, since I’ll be point-man on getting that all setup.  We’ll primarily be using that as an iSCSI target for virtual machine hosts and SQL machines.  I’m personally really stoked about that.  ~30 TB of raw data to play with.  I’m glad that I’ll be doing that though, as it helps to balance out the ever increasing management responsibilities.  Toys are good.

In non-work related news, I’ve been taking another photography class: Portrait & Lighting I.  It was actually one that I wasn’t really going to take, but I’ve definitely learned a lot.  I was skeptical of taking it at first because I had heard that the teacher didn’t go into much of the technical aspects.  However, that’s what I really like.  I enjoy learning all the technical stuff and then be able to play with that knowledge for my own images.  Well, the normal teacher is actually taking a break, so the same guy who taught our Photo II class is teaching this one.  This is probably one of the reasons I decided to take the class, because I like the way he teaches.  Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of “good shots” from this class as we’re basically just learning how to correctly use lights and many of the pictures are of different types of lighting or of a dummy head.  It’s possible that something from this next shoot will show up on aaron spruit (.com) though.  We’ll just have to see.

In other photography news, I’m looking at getting a new 105mm macro lens and flash.  I’ve also been contemplating getting a light meter, and I’ve actually bid on a few on eBay, but I just don’t think I’d use it all that much.

I think that’s about it, and be sure to check out aaron spruit (.com), since it gets updated every weekday.  Oh, and there should be some pictures taken in the last month showing up now, as I finally got out last weekend to take some pics.  Out of 100ish pictures, I’m probably going to throw up 29 or so.  It was nice last weekend; I just put some newish music on my iPod, threw on the headphones and took the camera out with me.  It was actually quite relaxing, but still amazing how many strange looks people gave me.


It’s funny how easily motivation can be swayed one way or the other.

Categorized as life

Six Flags

Headed up to Six Flags yesterday for a corporate event.  The company I work for’s parent rented out the whole park for the day.  Normally I really have no desire to go to Six Flags.  It’s fun and all, but I’ve never been a fine of waiting in lines.  Especially for rollercoasters, which I’m not really the biggest fan of to begin with.  Plus you have to pay to park, pay for the tickets ($55), food, etc.  It really becomes expensive for what you get out of it.

However, I’ll definitely go on a corporate event.  There were no lines, it only cost $25 per ticket, and parking was free.  Such a deal!  I rode every ‘coaster there at least once, and there were points where you didn’t even have to exit the ride, you could just ride it two times in a row.  There also weren’t that many people walking around.  It didn’t feel swamped and the weather was nice (despite a few minute showers).  There’s nothing like riding the American Eagle getting pelted with rain.

Next time I go, though, I need to wear contacts.  There were a few times I felt a lil’ sick, but I think that had a lot to do with not being able to see.  Superman definitely made me feel that way, but as JoeJohn pointed out, it was probably because of the orientation of your body which made you feel as though you were hovering over the toilet.

Best complete rides were definitely American Eagle which I rode 3 times or so and Raging Bull which I rode twice.  The best single drop though was definitely the first drop of Deja Vu.  It was the only ride with a long line, and it was closed for most of the day, but it was worth it.  Well, that is until we got stuck on it and it wouldn’t let us off.

Rides we rode: Raging Bull, Superman, Batman (ugh, that one made me feel bad too), Deja Vu, Virtical Velocity (not really all the fun, but good on technical merit), Viper (snakes on a mf’in train!), American Eagle, Iron Wolf (painful for the ears), Demon, the bumpercars, and the Whizzer. 

Categorized as for fun, work

links for 2006-09-19

  • (tags: graph government taxes)


Categorized as links


Well, the other day, I finally decided to take my photoblog site, aaron spruit (.com), out from behind (semi) closed doors.  Hell, I’ve even got some pictures up there, along with enough other ones already in the queue to go until Friday of this week.

However, there are still some large bugs with the site.  I’ve been trying to squash the most heinous ones, but there are definitely some others.  If you visit the archives page, I have an entry at the top that is sticky.  As I find things and fix things they’ll get added and removed from the list.  However, if you find something wrong that’s not on my list, please feel free to add a comment.

Categorized as web

Lemont Keepataw Days

Last night Erin and I went to see The Fabulous Janes at the Lemont Keepataw Days.  As usual, a rockin’ time put on by the Janes. 

Anyways, the reason this is blog-worthy, is because of the beer garden.  In order to see the Janes, well at least to be let into the normal viewing area, you had to be 21.  No big deal, so we go in and get a few Mike’s (eww to Miller products).  The tip basket has a sign on it saying who the tips are going to.  Again, no big deal.  However, only in Lemont would the tips, on alcohol sales, be donated to the local DARE chapter. 

Does no one else see the irony in this?

Categorized as holiday

Labor Day Weekend

Yesterday, Erin and I went to a Cubs game with some people from work.  It was actually quite a bit of fun.  We got up to Murphy’s at 11, waited around for everybody, and then headed into the bleachers.  We all sat by each other, and drank way too much beer.  Talk about an awesome day for a game though: sunny and 75 degrees.  Needless to say, there were a few burned bodies there.  Thankfully mine, not so much, but wow, the girl sitting next to me (not in our group) was quite pink.  She laughed when I was talking to someone else about how I put 45 on before I left.  Ha, who’s laughing last now!

Needless to say, though, the Cubs lost.  We didn’t even elect to stay to the end, instead we headed to another bar.  Erin and I headed home, which wasn’t the same for many of the people in our group.  They were heading to Union Park, which is actually over by my place.  However, we both needed a nap.

And then today, we went out and rode ~30 miles.  So much for taking it easy.  Other things on my plate include, work on the website(s), change the oil in my car, and possibly go climbing tomorrow.  I figure we may as well make the most of it, since it was supposed to rain all weekend, and I doubt we’ll have too many more that are this nice.

Categorized as holiday

links for 2006-09-01

  • Pure genius!
    (tags: TSA aiplanes)


Categorized as links, web