
  • Lemont Keepataw Days

    Last night Erin and I went to see The Fabulous Janes at the Lemont Keepataw Days.  As usual, a rockin’ time put on by the Janes. 

    Anyways, the reason this is blog-worthy, is because of the beer garden.  In order to see the Janes, well at least to be let into the normal viewing area, you had to be 21.  No big deal, so we go in and get a few Mike’s (eww to Miller products).  The tip basket has a sign on it saying who the tips are going to.  Again, no big deal.  However, only in Lemont would the tips, on alcohol sales, be donated to the local DARE chapter. 

    Does no one else see the irony in this?

  • Labor Day Weekend

    Yesterday, Erin and I went to a Cubs game with some people from work.  It was actually quite a bit of fun.  We got up to Murphy’s at 11, waited around for everybody, and then headed into the bleachers.  We all sat by each other, and drank way too much beer.  Talk about an awesome day for a game though: sunny and 75 degrees.  Needless to say, there were a few burned bodies there.  Thankfully mine, not so much, but wow, the girl sitting next to me (not in our group) was quite pink.  She laughed when I was talking to someone else about how I put 45 on before I left.  Ha, who’s laughing last now!

    Needless to say, though, the Cubs lost.  We didn’t even elect to stay to the end, instead we headed to another bar.  Erin and I headed home, which wasn’t the same for many of the people in our group.  They were heading to Union Park, which is actually over by my place.  However, we both needed a nap.

    And then today, we went out and rode ~30 miles.  So much for taking it easy.  Other things on my plate include, work on the website(s), change the oil in my car, and possibly go climbing tomorrow.  I figure we may as well make the most of it, since it was supposed to rain all weekend, and I doubt we’ll have too many more that are this nice.

  • links for 2006-09-01

    • Pure genius!
      (tags: TSA aiplanes)


  • links for 2006-08-31


  • Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday Mr. Binford!

  • Chicago Produce

    This was supposed to be posted a wee bit earlier, but unforunately, we must have been having some network problems.  These seemed to have cleared themselves up no though.

    Anyways, last night I finally stopped in to Stanley’s Fruits and Vegetables (location).  After driving by the place weekly and seeing all the great prices, I decided to stop in last night after a photography lab to get some goodies.

    All told, I spent $3.33.  It should’ve been less, but some lady ran off with all of the romain lettuce that was $0.49.  Instead, I picked up, (1) head of green leaf lettuce, (3) bartlett pairs, (3) plums, (1) vadalia onion, and (2) limes.

    The produce there is incredibly cheap, and all of it looks exceptional.  I’ll definitely just go there instead of trying to deal with the not-so-great produce that Dominick’s and Jewel has (at crazy high prices).

  • links for 2006-08-07

    • Signup for when VMWare Desktop goes beta for Mac OS X.
      (tags: virtualization computers mac)


  • links for 2006-07-31


  • City Life

    Everybody always says how living in the city is so bad, and crime is so high, etc.  Well, for the past year or so that I’ve been living here, I guess I hadn’t really noticed that much.  That is to say that nothing had happened to me.  Heck, I even left my garage door open accidentally once, for almost the whole day. 

    Well, that all changed today.  When Jen came over to see Aaron, she noticed that Erin’s car window was broken.  Erin and I were going to go for a bike ride yesterday, so she had brought her bike.  Needless to say it was gone.  Actually, it was the only thing gone.  Her camera, which was also in the trunk, remained.  Obviously it was someone that was walking by, since there would’ve been no other way to see it, which means it is someone from around the area.

    She has filed a police report, and will talk to her insurance agency later today or tomorrow.  I highly doubt anything will come of the police report, unfortunately.  However, there is a camera at the end of the block, so tomorrow, I’m going to find out if it actually works, and if they may have footage of something.  I figure it can’t hurt.