
  • Fun Road

    Since I’ve been spending so much time up at Belmont and Lincoln, I’ve been trying to find new ways to get from here to there.  I think I’ve found the jackpot too: Elston.  Everytime I’ve been on the road there’s been nobody on it, and it’s got slight bends in it that actually make it fun too.

    What’s pathetic though, is I basically found it by accident.  One day when I was heading up that way, I took Ogden to Milwaukee, and was planning on taking Milwaukee to Ashland.  However, Milwaukee was closed (or at least that what it said, it was actually open) right after Elston, so I hopped on it instead.

    Heading from Belmont South, I take Ashland to Elston, then Milwaukee, Racine, Grand, and I’m home (sorry I can’t show you a map of it, talk about a missing feature on mapquest and google maps).  What’s makes it even better is that the lights seemed to be timed just right so if you go 40-45 the whole way, you’ll make every green light.  Nice!

  • New Domain

    Well, I’ve got it in my mind that I want to redo my website (again).  It’s been awhile, and well, I just feel like it needs a bit of a refresh.  And hey, it’s been awhile.  So, I’ve been freshening up on some CSS, so that I can do it right.  I’m probably going to keep the graphics down to a minimum, like it currently is, just to keep load times, but at the same point, I really like some of designs at CSS Zen Webgarden. 

    Anyways, I also want to break the photos off this site and create a new one.  Something similar to Chromasia, or G8, or Staring at the Sun.  Basically, since I’ve been getting better, I want someplace to showcase the best of the best. 

    Really, what it comes down to, is that I need something even more to do, right…

    So, I’ve registered in addition to  However, now I have the dilemma of which site should go where.  I can come up for pros and cons of both.  What are all your thoughts?  Currently they both point here.

  • links for 2006-07-14

    • (tags: snakes plane movie)
    • Nothing like parting dumb people with their money.
      (tags: NIC network funny)
    • It meows in unison from both faces!
      (tags: news kitten faces mutation)


  • Ropes

    Today while I was walking to work, I past some guys that were putting up a new billboard.  This isn’t one of those new fangled billboards though that they just stretch the advertisement over, they actually have to glue the pieces in place.

    Anyways, I couldn’t believe the ropes that they were using.  Maybe I’m spoiled with the ropes I use for climbing, but these things were huge.  I’d hate to think how much they weighed.  I mean, I’ve got a 10mm rope, which by climbing standards is quite thick (typically used as a gym rope because it lasts longer).  However, the more hardcore climbers all have 8.5mm ropes.

    Now, by contrast the multiple ropes that the workers had were at least double the thickness of what I have.  Plus, they looked like they were from the 60’s, and I highly doubt they were dynamic.  That means, when/if you fall, the rope doesn’t elongate at all, it just stops.  Talk about a painful fall.

    And it’s not even like my rope was expensive.  I mean, if this is all these guys do, you can surely afford a $150 rope that weighs probably one tenth of what they currently have and won’t rip you in half were you to fall.

  • links for 2006-07-13

    • Yale’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity blog.
      (tags: obesity food blog)


  • links for 2006-07-12

    • This is the Beta MSDN wiki.  Talk about a fabulous idea!  How many times have you found information on MSDN, only to wish there was a little bit more?


  • 4th of July Week

    The weekend before the 4th, Erin and I headed up to Leland to enjoy a nice and relaxing 4 days.  It was definitely nice.  The weather was beautiful, and it felt good to just lounge around for a while. 

    On Monday night we went to the beach and watched the fireworks.  It was funny because the weekly fireworks down at Navy Pier actually put these to shame.  It’s amazing how money plays a roll in that, eh?

    We headed back Tuesday night and stayed at Erin’s grandma’s place in South Haven.  Since we were basically staying there to avoid a lot of the traffic back, we just sort of hung out downtown South Haven.  We actually putzed around enough that we made it for the late showing of Cars.  It was actually a pretty good movie.  It’s amazing how far that technology has come since Toy Story.

    However, what was really amazing was the cost for both of us to see it.  For two admissions, 1 tub (plastic container) of popcorn, and two drinks, it was only $6.25.  You can’t even get into a movie for that much here in Chicago.  What made it even more hilarious was that the theater was actually for sale.  Makes you wonder why, huh?

    The rest of the week I took off from work and got a few things around the house done.  Nothing that was too exciting, just things that needed to be done.  Oh, and grocery shopping at 10 AM is by far the best time to go.  I couldn’t believe how small the checkout lines were.

  • Vacation Post Vacation

    Today is the perfect reason why I hate taking vacations for more than a 3-4 day weekend.  I took all of last week off, and now that I come back, everything is broken, and it’s like I’ve taken 3 steps back.  I had a plan for the next two weeks when I left, but now that I’m actually back, I won’t be able to get to any of that. 

    Two hours after getting to work today, I wished that I was on vacation again.  How fun is that?

    Oh, and did I mention that I’m starting to get the itch again?

  • Bolt for Camera

    I was wondering if someone could help me out.  I’m looking for a bolt, actually 3, for the Ftn viewfinder of a Nikon F.  The thing is small, really small.  It is a metric bolt, which adds to the fun.  I’ve tried local hardware stores (minus the Home Depot here, because they have an absolute crap selection of metric anything) to no avail.  I’m tempted to run up to Calumet and see if they may know someplace to get bolts for this thing.

    Anybody?  Bueller?  Bueller?

  • Gallery Updates

    I’ve finally gotten around to actually uploading the last 5 weeks worth of pictures from class.  The pathetic part is that most of them aren’t even that many pictures.  However, I have changed a few things.  Instead of uploading every picture, just as it is out of the camera, I’m instead uploading proof sheets and then any of the pictures I really like after manipulation. 

    I figure, since I’m getting a lot better, I don’t really want to throw up every shot anymore.  Plus, manipulating ever shot in photoshop takes awhile, so selecting a few will be a lot better.  The proof sheet will give others what exactly is going on with each of my shoots too.  Plus, if there’s anything you want, that I didn’t throw up in individual form, just drop me a line with the category and picture number, and I can email it to you, fixed or not.