
  • Searching for Colocation

    I found this awesome service while searching for a new colocation for the project I’m currently on.  Since I’m sure everyone has seen the LendingTree commercials, I’ll compare it with that.  Basically, it’s the same thing, only with colocation instead of loans.  You go to the website, fill in the requirements, and wait for the offers to roll in. 

    A colotraq representative contacted me since I didn’t fill out all the requirements correctly, but that went smooth.  In under 24 hours, I’ve had 5 different companies giving me quotes.  This is crazy easier than individually calling places.  Heck, just even finding places was a major PITA.  This way, I really don’t have to do anything.  Awesome.

  • Tent

    Well, waiting has finally paid off.  Today’s Steep And Cheap, was a 3 person, 3 season, dual door Sierra Designs tent for 50% off.  They actually had the two person version up there a few days ago, but I really wanted two doors.  Having to pee at 3am and climbing over the other person is just no fun.  No fun at all.

    Hopefully it’ll arrive before this weekend, but regardless, I can’t wait.

  • Vegetation

    I really enjoy having plants in my apartment.  However, I can never seem to keep them alive for very long.  It’s not that I don’t want to, or that I purposefully forget, it’s just that life is busy, and the first thing on my mind is not watering them.  Unfortunately, the only time I really remember is when they start to look like then need some TLC.  Thankfully, the plants, I have now seem to be able to bounce back from that, but it definitely limits what I can keep.

    Oh, and the lighting in our apartment is either non-existant, or it’s brutally hot.  I wish I could find something to put in the kitchen window sills, but everything I’ve tried with so far has, essentially, been fried.

  • World Cup 2006 Coverage

    What the hell is ABC thinking?  Saturday, 11:30 PM CST, World Cup coverage (Ghana vs Czech Republic, awesome game), 1:00 PM CST some crappy ABC Kids show, 1:30 PM CST more World Cup Coverage (USA vs Italy).

    Seriously, why the hell are they putting some awful kids show between the two FIFA games?  Talk about losing viewers, especially when everyone’s trying to promote US Soccer.

  • LiveMeeting 2005

    LiveMeeting 2005: when it works, it’s great, when it doesn’t, talk about horrible.  I’m trying to listen to some TechEd webcasts, but I get no audio.  The error message comes up and says it can’t download the codec that is used and I should click on “Web Help”.  Where is this mysterious “Web Help” button?  Also, why does it just not tell me what codec the audio stream is using so, well, I don’t know, go look for it?

    Talk about annoying.

  • Leostream

    Leostream, who I’ve talked about before, has a few new demo’s up on their website.  Having used some of the demoed software before, these are pretty well done.  I would definitely take a look at them.  Oh, and it doesn’t seem to work in IE7 beta, and there are other people saying it doesn’t work in IE at all, so break out firefox or something else to check em out.

  • While Working Out

    I don’t care how much you love a baseball team, or any sports team for that matter, this does not make it ok to drop an f-bomb when something does not go your team’s way.  Especially at levels in which I can hear it on the other side of the gym.  Additionally, this is not limited to f-bombs either, any sort of outburst of derogitory names or anything similar.

    Oh, and wearing headphones with your music blaring while you do this makes it worse.

  • Drive Compression

    Reason #1 why you DO NOT enable windows drive compression: uncompressing.

    Just to leave this entry not so cryptic…

    Windows compression is definitely not the way to go in any scenario.  Between the speed hit, the little space you actually get, and how cheap hard drive space is now, there is no reason to use it.

    Oh, did I mention how long it takes to uncompress a drive?

  • Office 2007 Beta 2

    Office 2007 Beta 2 has been out for awhile, and I must say, I’m impressed.  I really like the new layout in instead of the old file, edit, view, etc menu.  It took awhile to get used to, but I think I’ve found where everything is now.  I’m also digging the new, and probably temporary, default font, Calibri.  Granted, any one using Office 2003 and earlier can’t see the font.  The built in RSS feeds in Outlook and the To-Do bar is a nice addition too.  Oh, and don’t forget the preview on the fly for things like color, font, and style changes.  Very slick.

    However, there are a few things I don’t like.  I really don’t like how Outlook doesn’t use the same layout as word, excel, etc.  If they’re going to change it one place, they really need to change it everywhere.  It’s not like Outlook’s toolbars are that much radically different than Word’s either.  Also, while the RSS feeds in outlook are nice, there are some serious downsides.  The biggest of which is the inability to edit anything about the feeds, particularly the refresh time after you’ve added it.  Plus, by default, when you add a feed, the update limit is taken from the publisher’s recommendation.  Most sites, however, don’t publish this data so the feed will never update.  So, when you add a feed, be sure to click the advanced button and uncheck the ‘Update Limit’ checkbox unless the provider has actually set the limit.

    Speaking of which, I should probably look into how to do that with my RSS feed.

  • VMWare Infrastructure 3

    Today was the official announcement of VI3, VMWare’s next release of ESX and Virtual Center.  After watching the webcast this morning, I’m more than a little bit stoked.

    Some of the things I’m looking forward to are

    • NAS support
    • USB support
    • Drag and drop in virtual center
    • New, more performant VMFS 3
    • 4-way SMP and 16 GB of RAM support for virtual machines
    • DRS
    • High Availibility features
    • Support for Solaris
    • Ability to run non-VMWare machines
    • Removal of the web interface

    I can’t wait to get the final bits loaded on my machine.  I’ve actually been debating installing beta 2 on my home machine for awhile, but haven’t because of time constraints.  However, I’ll have to put a few things on hold to install the final version.

    There are also a few new whitepapers on VI3 already on VMWare’s website, so you can get a head start before it’s actually released.