Links 3/30
- Celebrity Drunk Driving Defence
One of the most notorious drunk drivers in the Ottawa area has been found not criminally responsible on his latest impaired driving charges because of a mental disorder that makes him believe female celebrities are controlling his actions.
- Fantasy Portfolio Challenge—Looks like a good way to win a ‘06 Maserati GranSport, without even having to pay the taxes!
- Conan O’Brien in Chicago—As seen on Travis’ site.
- Indiana Joins the Rest of the Nation (Minus Arizona) on Daylight Savings Time—After reading that, I’m so glad I don’t work in education anymore. These schmoes have had a year to plan for this, and it sounds like they haven’t done squat, which would coincide with exactly what I saw while in the education sector. And then, to top it off, they take the time to complain about it to the news instead of fixing the problem.
But IT staff at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, fear the change will create complications galore.
“This is like Y2K except this one is really happening,” said university IT spokesman Steve Tally. - Original Scans vs. Photoshop Version
- Celebrity Drunk Driving Defence
Chewing with your mouth open and/or making a smacking noise while eating. I don’t know why, but this has got to be one of the worst things evar. What drives all of you up the wall?
Links 3/29
- New Volume Limiter Firmware for iPods—This is a sad, sad day.
- All Hail the FSM—Too funny.
Global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct consequence of the decline in numbers of pirates since the 19th Century
- The Book Written about FSM
- Pretties from CryTek—Wow, these guys know where there doing with the realism thing.
- One Car, Three Drunk Drivers—This is just too funny.
Police in The Hague caught three drunk drivers all behind the wheel of the same car within hours of each other early Wednesday, police said in a statement.
Over 100k Page Views
Well, since May 30th 2004,’s main page has been viewed over 100k times (does not include RSS feeds for all you who never actually visit). Not too shabby for a personal site.
Taxing by the Mile
This isn’t really new news, as I’ve seen it around before, but I think it’s finally it graces these pages. Basically, Oregon is trying to implement a new road tax. Unlike previous road taxes which have been collected at the pump, Oregon thinks it’s about time we start taxing people per mile. This will be accomplished by throwing untold amounts of money at the problem via new technology to monitor your vehicle through a “black box”; a problem that never was a problem, you simple raise the gasoline tax to increase revenue.
Now, from another article, we find out that Oregon is “one of 10 states to have adopted a ‘clean cars program’”. Which then not intend to use in order to extort money out of people. It’s interesting how the government wants to have it’s cake and eat it too with this one: people buying fuel effecient vehicles, while still making money on gasoline tax.
As a high mileage vehicle owner, I am obviously not thrilled about this at all. One of the reasons that I purchased a high milage vehicle was to cut down on costs at the pump. This new billing mechanism completely ruins this. Plus, who does all the road damage? I can garauntee you my little Jetta does incredibly less road damage than a F150, Hummer, or anything else that gets less than 20 mpg.
Granted, I’m sure if this would go into effect, people would be disconnecting them or modifying them somehow, against the law of course, but just to be in defiance. Plus, I’m not all about the government knowing where I’m driving my car, nor should they care. However, I probably would save money on this in the long term, since I don’t drive my car that often.
The best quote from the above mentioned NY Times article though is
Mr. Whitty said he had heard of some drivers of fuel-efficient vehicles being upset. Others, though, were feeling guilt about having paid fewer taxes than most drivers, he said.
I would personally like to meet these people that feel guilty about paying less to fill up there cars. Because I’m positive that they don’t exist.
Just get responsible, save the tax payers millions of dollars on not testing this black box that they aren’t going to want, and raise the gasoline tax. Why change something that’s not broken?
Links 3/27
- Cool Cuff Links
- “Healthy” Bacon—Still not sure it’s “healthy”.
- Omega-3’s not that Healthy?—So much for the bacon!
- Tangle Tamers—Might work well for these stupid headphone cables.
Food of Summer
Yesterday Erin and I had some hamburgers made on the grill. Oh man were they tasty. And of course, if you’re having hamburgers, you have to have fries, so I made up some sweet potato fries.
Unfortunately, we didn’t have any blue cheese to stuff my burgers with, but they were nice and juicy none-the-less. It’s the egg and Worcestershire sauce that makes ‘em so good.
Kitchen Counters
Here at my apartment, we have black granite counter tops. When I get my own place about a year from now, I will not be getting black granite counter tops.
Now, don’t get me wrong, they look absolutely gorgeous. Well, at least right after you’ve cleaned them extensively. After that, they look absolutely horrible. The black color, much like with any other thing black, shows dirty very easily. It’s not even dirt either, if theres spot that’s not as polished, it’s very visible.
And streaks, don’t even get me started on streaks. You have to make sure that you towel dry them thoroughly, otherwise it’s streaks-a-plenty.
However, I love the granite countertops. Just not black.
Daily Humor
I was forwarded a hilarious link from Bud. It’s a little late for St. Patty’s day, but it’s well worth the watch. There are so many things wrong with this news clip, I don’t know where to begin.