
  • Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday Bree!  You’re so old!  ;-P

  • V for Vendetta

    Last night Erin and I went to see “V for Vendetta” at Hollywood Blvd.  The place was packed, but it was fun nonetheless.  Nothing like getting served alcohol while at the movies to make it a little bit more fun than normal.

    Anyways, the movie was quite good.  The special effects weren’t over the top, ala “The Matrix”, but instead a good addition to the story.  And the story was also good.  Granted, it was ripped from a comic book, but it still fit the adaptation to the big screen adequately. 

    Speaking of story, talk about a great time to release the movie.  With everything that’s happening in Guantanamo Bay, and the President’s approval rating being so low, I don’t think the timing of the movie could be any better for the Wachowski brothers

  • Links 3/17

    I think today’s link should be entitled the “who would have thought” links.

    • Drinking Sugary Beverages Increases Body Fat—Wow, whoda thunkit, when your net caloric intake is more, your body converts more to fat, huh?  I mean, come on, who are these “scientists” that do this sort of “research”?  I was thinking maybe I should conduct a study to see if brain damage is increased by beating my head with a hammer.
    • Atkins Diet Possible Health Risk—No Comment
  • New VW Commercials

    I just can’t get enough of the new “Un-Pimp My Ride” commercials from VW.  So much so, that I’ve linked them below for you viewing pleasure.  Also, I was informed about the “Make Friends with Your Fast” commercials, which, while not quite as funny, are quality none-the-less.

    Un-Pimp My Ride: Crate

    Un-Pimp My Ride: Wrecking Ball

    Un-Pimp My Ride: Trebuchet

    Make Friends with Your Fast: Hair

    Make Friends with Your Fast: Streamlined

    Make Friends with Your Fast: Officer

    Make Friends with Your Fast: Take-Out

  • Links 3/16

    • BioWall + Vines—This would be great in a window.
  • Links 3/15

    • No Sex Toys in Mississippi—Gotta love Xeni’s comment
    • Continental Divide Trail Volunteering—If I were to be out there, this looks like a lot of fun.
    • Debit Card Fraudsters Busted—Apparently this is why so many people were having problems with their debit cards.
    • PS3 Not Until Nov 2006—Theres a total non-shocker.  Price is the only thing left, and the speculation looks high.


  • Another Reason Why Project Server Blows

    The project server here at work hasn’t been connecting to our internal WSUS server, and I noticed that it was missing a few security patches.  Since WSUS wasn’t working, I decided to visit Windows Update.  HA, well that doesn’t work either.  So I open up the %systemroot%WindowsUpdate.log and find the following error.

    WARNING: WinHttp: SendRequestToServerForFileInformation failed with 0x80190191
    WARNING: WinHttp: ShouldFileBeDownloaded failed with 0x80190191
    WARNING: DownloadFileInternal failed for error 0x80190191
    * WARNING: Failed to synchronize, error = 0x80244017
    WARNING: WU client failed Searching for update with error 0x80244017
    >>— RESUMED —COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
    – Updates found = 0
    – WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000, Result code = 0x80244017
    — END — COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
    WARNING: Operation failed due to earlier error, hr=80244017
    FATAL: Unable to complete asynchronous search. (hr=80244017)

    Doing a quick search on the error code on Google brings me to a lot of pages about proxy settings.  However, I’m not running a proxy server anywhere, and I’m not running ICF on the project server either.  What is going on?!

    Then I see a link about project server with this error.

    I now know that project server uses a proxy server with WSS.  How stupid can that be?  Well, basically, I added our local WSUS server to the bypass list.  I also did it for *, but that still doesn’t seem to be allowing me to hit Windows Update.  Oh well, at least it can update from someplace.


  • Certified

    Well, today I passed my last required MCSE test.  In three months, I’ve been able to complete the 7 required tests.  Unfortunately, I still have one more on my plate though, because I want to get the MCSE: Security certification.  Thankfully the remaining test is simply an elective exam, so I can probably kill that in a week.  Not having any of this pressure on me for the rest of the year will be nice too.  I’m definitely glad I got this out of the way before summer rolled around.

  • Links 3/13

  • Guantanamo Bay

    I know what you’re thinking to yourself, “What is this political garbage doing on”  Well, I’m here to tell you that this will not become the normal.

    On my way to Erin’s place tonight I was listening to This American Life and was disturbed with what I heard about Guantanamo Bay. Currently it looks like you can only purchase the program, but give it a week and you too can listen to it, or you can listen to it tomorrow at 1 on Chicago Public Radio (for those in the area).

    After listening to the whole program, I’m starting to realize why foreigners hate us so much.  I’d hate to think what sorts of anti-American thoughts would be going through my head if I were held at Guantanamo Bay for, potentially, an indefinite amount of time, being interrogated in the most abusive ways. 

    I honestly can’t believe how calm the “PoWs” (I leave it in quotes because these people were innocent, and the gov’t seemed to know it) were on the air.  I don’t think I’d be laughing like there were after spending as much time as they did there.

    All I have to ask, is are the American people this dumb, that they can continually be lied to over and over?  How do they justify this in their minds?

    **Update 3/19/2006**
    You can listen to the broadcast now for free.  Plus there’s an extended version for the web only.  Unfortuantely, they are in real player format, but I think it’s worth downloading just to listen to this one.  You can get the Free version of realplayer here.  Personally, though, I’d recommend the Real Player Enterprise version, as it has a lot less “crap” installed on it.  Just put in some bogus information in the fields, and you’re on your way.