Merry Christmas to everyone!
Daily Humor
I saw this over at BoingBoing, and couldn’t resist sending it to everyone one I knew. However, I realized, there’s some of you I may have missed, so I introduce you to the Coyote Hat.
ESX Networking
This is just a quick update with something that I finally fixed two nights ago. If you happen to run VMWare ESX, *DO NOT* share a NIC between the console and Virtual Machines (VMs). This was how I had been running my system because I only had one NIC at the time. However, I had purchased a new dual port Intel gigabit NIC about a month ago, but I just hadn’t had the time to actually update the system to utilize it. Well, two nights ago, I set the original NIC to only the console session, and then put ports on the dual port NIC on a virtual switch used by all the virtual machines. Therefore, I theoretically get 200 Mbps to the virtual machines.
Holy crap, talk about an improvement. Transfers between the VMs and my NAS used to be dog slow, but now they are where they should be. I just need to get a gigabit switch with jumbo frames to use everything to fullest extent.
Last night was our first, what I’d call, large, snowfalll of the season. It looks as if we got around 6” or more. What made it funny was that it started before close of business, and by the time 5PM rolled around, there was probably a couple of inches or so. I’m just glad that I didn’t have to drive anywhere last night. I leasurely walked to the Blue Line, and then walked from my stop to my apt. It probably took me about 5 minutes longer than normal, just because of having to walk in the snow. However, as I walked over 90/94, traffic was stopped. The freeway then remained a parking lot until after midnight. It took Erin 45 minutes to go about 10 miles last night after class. Good thing I sat at home and played CoD2 and PGR3 all night with Binford. :cheese:
In fact, last night was the first time we tried out Live. Unfortunately you can’t have two players signed into one Xbox360 and play, but we did have a lot of fun trading off the controller. Overall quite fun, we both sucked, but enjoyable none-the-less.
Oh yeah, and one more thing. Be sure to check out my updated Live stats with my Gamercard over there on the right. We didn’t know that we could both have an account on one box, so we had been using Binford’s, hence why I have about nothing.
Turkey Day
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving yesterday. I know I did; ate way too much, that’s for sure. Erin and I made the trek up to Detroit to enjoy the holiday weekend with my parents. All in all quite good, well, except for the snow, but that’s to be expected since we are up in MI.
Last night we went to the sold out Pistons vs Wizards game at the Palace of Auburn Hills. My Dad got free tickets from work, so the four of us (Brother, Dad, Erin, and myself) headed out. My Dad thought that the tickets were for the same section as the fight that happened last season, but the row was AA (section 115), so we figured we’d be 27 rows up from the floor. Turns out that the first seven rows are AA -GG because they aren’t permanent seats. We ended up being right behind the Piston’s bench. It was crazy. And the game went to two overtimes, granted the Pistons ended up losing. We definitely got our money’s worth though, oh wait…
Xbox 360 Part 2
As I’m sure everyone knows, the Xbox 360 was released on Tuesday. And you can read all about Erin and my adventure on Aaron’s site. Unfortunately, we came up empty handed. However, even if we would’ve gotten one, I think we would’ve resold it. Especially since they were going for more than double their cost.
The good about all this though, is that we will still be getting one, just probably not anytime soon. I’ve gone back to the company I had the preorder with, since it’s about the only place I fell I’ll be able to get it from anytime soon. In fact, the distributor that supplies Avindigo apparently says they should have some on Monday. Who knows if those have already been allocated though. I guess we’ll just have to wait like everybody else. I can’t wait to get it and play on the new plasma though.
All last week I was in Seattle, WA for a new hire orientation. A little late, but there were others that had started before I had. It was actually a good time. The weather was beautiful, and the people were a lot of fun. In fact, of the 35 or so of us, there were only eight of us from the US. The vast majority of the people were from the Paris office, but there were also people there from Singapore, Melbourne, Norway, and the Netherlands. Overall the classes were ok. They were management oriented, so much of what we covered seemed like common sense, but just put into words. Alas, it was good to do something different for a week, and the Grand Hyatt we stayed at was very nice.
Updates Soon
I’ve been really busy lately, and just haven’t found the time to update. However, just as a teaser, I’ve got two entries in the books. One about Seattle, the other about the Xbox360 adventure last night. Anyways, hopefully they’ll be something up later tonight, and if not, over the long weekend.
Motorola Programming
All I can say for Motorola’s programming ability is, “Crap.” I’m attempting to update my phone, MPx220, with the latest version, 1.43, and I don’t think I’ve ever had so many problems. The page prior to the download page is horrible to begin with. In order to actually get to the System Update tool, you have to click the white arrow INSIDE the yellow circle. Way to go on that image link there guys. Then after I installed the software, which piggybacks on activesync, it takes literally 3 minutes for it to load. You double click on the shortcut, or straight on the executable, and you sit there for 3 minutes. No splash screen, nothing. If you open up taskmanager, you see that the program is running, but it’s not really doing anything. Then all the sudden you see something appear to continue.
Once you’re in the setup program, you have to install a different driver for the phone, but to do this, you have to remove the battery and then plug the phone back into the USB cable. Of course, it wasn’t as easy as that. Only one of the devices got installed when I did that. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize you needed the audio device for the modem that it installs also, so I kept progressing until it started to detect the phone. Well, of course it couldn’t, and can you go back? Of course not. So, I got the audio device installed, restarted my machine, and then waited another 3 minutes for the program to load.
At least the program gives you the ability to backup and restore your data before and after the upgrade. Granted, I don’t have much stuff on my phone. Heck, I don’t even know what this update fixes; good job on the release notes, err, wait there are none. However, it’s gotta fix some of the problems that I’ve been having, so it’s worth a shot. Plus I’ve heard there may actually be speed improvements.
Turns out you need that extra driver because that’s how you get the update to the phone. You actually take the battery out and plug it in to do the update. Maybe it’s this convaluted to prevent the novice’s from doing this and wiping there phones accidentally.
**Update 2**
Well, even after the previous update to this post, it still didn’t work. The program just hung at “start deep sleep” or something along those lines. A little googling turns out that this is a common error. However, the good news is, I’ve found a solution. Turns out there’s an offline updater that can be found places. In fact you can grab all sorts of different ROMs from there too. And just in case you’re not sure what you’re doing, I’ve found a decent blog that tells you all about it. About 3 hours after I started, I finally got my phone updated. Honestly, I’m not noticing that much difference. Maybe I’ll try out the Asian 3.51 one?
Xbox 360
Well, I have some bad news about the Xbox 360. Turns out my supplier (who will go unnamed), has just informed me that he won’t be getting any units from his distributor until December. This is unfortunate, especially since I was hoping to take a trip on the 21st in order to get one. Alas, I guess I’ll just have to try to get one at a brick and mortar store on the 22nd, along with everyone else. Maybe it will be like when Halo 2 came out, and I won’t have a problem at all. However, for some reason, I don’t think this will be the case. :down: