
  • More Football and Food

    Man, I feel like I’m always so far behind adding content to this thing.  Anyways…

    Last weekend Erin and I went to visit my parents.  It was sort of an impromptu thing, which got us out of having to go to Halloween parties we really didn’t want to go to.  Anyways, it was the same weekend that the Bears and the Lions played in Detroit.  I tried to find tickets on ticketmaster back on Thursday, and was only able to find 2 together.  Thinking it would be nice if my parents could come to, I asked my Dad to see if he could get some through work.  He said he’d look into it, and then I didn’t hear from him.

    Well, I finally hear back from him on Friday and he was only able to get two.  Crap.  So, I go back on to ticketmaster, and wasn’t able to find two tickets together.  Great.  Well, we head to Detroit anyways.  I looked on eBay and there were some on there that didn’t look like they were going for that much. 

    Saturday comes around, Erin and I visit the Moosejaw up there, since the one in Chicago by me is incredibly small and didn’t have a jacket that I wanted to try on.  They don’t have the jacket there either, so we head to the mall because we’re board.  Amazingly we both snag some good deals at Banana Republic, of all places.  Something like 50%.  Can’t go wrong with that.

    Run my car through the car wash (man has it been a LONG time), and head home.  We then had an excellent dinner (!), and finish of the evening with hot chocolate, half-n-half, Bailey’s, and a fire outside.

    The next day we enjoy breakfast and head to the game.  Now, in case we weren’t able to get two additional tickets my parents were just going to go to the DIA, and then we’d meet back up and go out to dinner.  We’ll my Dad was able to scalp some tickets for only an additional $20 over list, so we all got in.  However, as soon as we started looking for seats, he realized that the two tickets he got weren’t even close to each other.  In fact, they were on complete opposite sides of the Ford Field.  Erin and I took the two seats that were together behind the end zone, and my parents went off to try and sit together.  It turns out that the seats right behind us remained empty for the first half, so when we met back up at half time, I told them to just come sit by us.

    I won’t go in to the game, it was good, until the last play in overtime.  However, I will talk about Dinner. 

    The place we went to was called Cuisine (I think, I wish I could find a website about it).  Anyways, it’s this incredible French restaurant down by some Theatre in Detroit.  Wow, I can tell you guys are just hanging on all the details, right?  My parents apparently found this place because they were going to see a play at the Theatre, and asked where a good place to eat was.  Turns out this place is right across the street.

    Erin was somewhat skeptical of it because she wasn’t sure what she was in for, but my Dad insisted that it’s the best food he’s ever eaten, and that he needs an excuse to get to this place.  Hey, I’m fine with being an excuse to eat exquisite food.

    The place isn’t very big, but it’s very cozy and the staff is very friendly.  They offer both Progressions or regular courses.  My Dad and I both went for one of the Progressions, while Erin and my Mom went for the Beef Tenderloin.

    My first course consisted of a French Onion soup with goat cheese.  All I can say is excellent.  The creamy goat cheese added an extra layer, especially since the soup was more runnier than I’m used to.  However, the flavors melded together perfectly in what seemed a nice white wine-ish broth. 

    Second course was caramelized scallops, with caramelized cauliflower, and a raisin, walnut (in addition to other things I can’t remember now) puree.  The scallops were done very well, not chewy at all.  In fact, you could easily cut them with the fork, no knife needed.  The sauce/puree gave it a sweeter taste that I wasn’t all about.  To me, scallops on their own are great, no need to hide there flavor in an overpowering sauce.  The cauliflower also had a sweetness to it, but not as powerful as the sauce.  It went well with the scallops.

    Third course was the beef tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and beans.  This is actually the same meal that Erin and my Mom had, however, they had three cuts of beef, while I only had two (it was also the only course they had).  I honestly don’t think I can describe the beef.  This is no tenderloin you’ll ever be able to find in the store.  Again, no knife required, and it was cooked just how I wanted it, medium rare.  The beans seemed a little over cooked, not as crisp as I like, but when combined with a cut of beef and potatoes, was a hard combination to beat.  Because of the lighting at our seat, I was slightly worried when the plate first arrived, because the sauce used was blood red, and it looked as though the beef was a little more rare than I would’ve liked.  However, the sauce turned out to be an excellent accompaniment, adding (again) a slight sweetness that rounded out the other flavors.

    Finally, there was souffle for dessert.  After the second course, we were asked what indulgence we desired: Chocolate, Grand Marnier (spelled right on the first try!), or Butterscotch.  My Dad opted for Grand Marnier, while I went for the Chocolate, since my Mom raved about how good it was last time they went.  The moment arrived, and we were brought our deserts.  Proudly they stood double the height of the souffle dish.  And then the waitress struck them with a spoon, and drizzled them with the decadent liquid.  I honestly don’t think I’ve ever had a dessert so good and satisfying.  The chocolate was sweet, but not overpowering, the souffle was light and delicate.  The combination of the two was almost too much to take.

    Overall, it was a most delightful treat, and most definitely the best dining experiences I’ve ever had.  Hopefully my parents will leave additional info about Cuisine in the comments, that I can then add to this post, because with all the bad things going for downtown Detroit, it’s good to see there are still exceptional places, you just have to look for them.

  • Football with Coworkers

    Last weekend a group of us went from work went to see the Notre Dame vs BYU game.  It was unfortunate that the guy heading it up wasn’t able to go because of a family emergency, but we still made the most of it.  I drove a group of 3 other guys, and we were on the road at 6:30AM.  We stopped a few times (McDonald’s and then a grocery store to get a pre-ordered sandwich and chicken), and then cracked open our first beers sometime around 8:30AM. 

    We then proceeded to drink, eat, and be merry till kickoff at 1:30.  During this time some other guys from worked showed up who brought even more alcohol (read: vodka and Jaegermeister).  One of the highlights was one of the guys being body slammed twice in the back of the neighboring tailgater’s pickup. 

    The game wasn’t that excited, and there was absolutely no room in our seats, so we decided to head to the bar sometime around halftime.  Stayed there for a bit, went back to the tailgate, then headed home. 

    Driving by US Cellular field we saw the fireworks from Dye’s homerun in game one of the World Series.  We sort of chanced it, by going that way instead of taking Lake Shore (US 41) all the way up, but since the game had already started, it wasn’t that bad.  Someone I managed to watch the Sox win without falling asleep.  I think it had something to do with the hangover I was starting to get at 9 at night.

  • Powerball

    With the $340 Million Jackpot looming overhead, Erin and I drove to Indiana Tuesday night to buy a few tickets.  Actually, at work we had a small pool of 7 guys go in $5 each too, so we had to pick those up too.  Anyways, I’d like to report that the work pool won a wicked $3, while Erin and I won a crazy $7.

    While fantasizing about $340 Million, I did some quick numbers.  If you were to get the Annuity, instead of cash out, you get something crazy like $450000 a month.  A MONTH!  That’s just too much money to believe.

  • Three Day Vacation

    Even with as busy as it’s been at work, and it being a production cut over weekend for the project I’m on, I took off the whole weekend and drove down to Florida.  I know, it sounds crazy me saying I took off a weekend, but that’s the reality of it, that I’m on call pretty much every weekend, so it makes actually being able to do something a pain.

    Now, driving down to Florida (from Chicago), may not sound like a “vacation”, but I had fun.  My grandpa hasn’t been feeling that well, so instead of my grandparents driving from the home in Northern MI to FL, they flew.  However, both of their cars were in MI, so someone needed to drive one down to them.  Here in steps my cousin and I.

    The two of us embarked on our journey in the Lincoln Continental on Friday morning.  We drove all day, with only 2 or 3 phone calls from work, and stopped for the night about twenty miles north of Macon, GA.  We actually stopped quite a few times, and had a good dinner at Flammini’s in Dalton, GA.  The next morning, Saturday, we headed out and made it to their house in Melbourne, FL around 3:30PM EST.  And it was a beautiful sunny day. 

    Apparently they had had nothing but rainy weather for the past for weeks, but the two days we were there were gorgeous.  On Sunday we went to the beach.  Nothing like 83 degree water with 4 foot chop for some serious fun.  There were a ton of surfers enjoying it also.  The ocean was actually warmer than my grandparent’s pool!  That night we had a good dinner at the club, and then I watched the White Sox win the ALCS pennant. 

    Unfortunately, our flight back Monday morning was at 6:30AM EST, which means we were up at 3AM CST in order to get there on time.  This way our flight would get in around 8:15AM CST, so we’d get to work around 9-9:30.  Needless to say, we had a crying baby sit right in front of us, so sleeping was made difficult.  Well, that and the overweight man who was sitting next to me and kept encroaching on my space (I’m not a fan of the middle seat). 

    The flight got in a little bit late, but I was at work by 9:30.  Talk about a whirlwind weekend.  It’s just unfortunate that when we drove through Knoxville, TN, my friend wasn’t in town to have a beer or two with.  Maybe next time.

  • Apple New Announcements

    Last week they announced the Video iPod.  I personally have nothing against it.  However, today, Apple made some announcements about new PowerBooks and PowerMacs.  It’s today’s announcement that really bothers me, specifically the new “quad” processor PowerMac.  Normally, I’d be all about it, it sounds like a beast.  I’m not even going to talk about anything else from here on out.  I just want to show “the people” how overpriced Apple products truly are, but first, some background.

    I had mentioned my home setup at home to a coworkers before.  It’s nothing really that great hardware wise, but it’s more how I utilize it, and the price I got it when it was new.  Anyways, I’ve got VMWare ESX server installed on it which allows me to run multiple “virtual” machines on top of the one machine.  This way I can have a machine dedicated to specific tasks, instead of everything on one.  Obviously this helps for when something goes wrong.  Now, everything doesn’t go down if I accidentally mess something up. 

    Anyways, he realized how great of an idea this was, so he wanted to get a server machine up and running that could do the same thing.  Well, he’s a developer, so he didn’t really know what to look for, so I priced out a machine for him.  Basically I priced him out a beast of a machine for $2500.  The specs of it are listed below.

    Supermicro H8DAE ($356)
    One Dual Core Opteron 265 ($728)
    4GB PC-3200 Reg ECC RAM ($516)
    MegaRAID 150-4 SATA Card ($235)
    3 Seagate 200GB SATA Drives in RAID 5 for 400GB of redundant space ($327)
    Case with 645W PSU ($266)

    Now that, plus a plain CD-ROM drive and floppy comes to just under $2500.  Now, lets look at the Apple Store to see what you get with their “quad” machine for $3300. 

    Two dual-core G5 Processors
    512MB 533 DDR2 NON-ECC RAM
    250GB Harddrive (not redundant and not on dedicated hardware controller)
    Dual Layer 16x DVD Burner
    NVIDIA GeForce 6600 256MB Video Card

    Shall we compare the differences?  Yes, we shall.

    If I were to get my machine up to all the specs listed on the mac (without reducing any of the components), I’d have to add another processor (+$728), add a dual layer DVD burner (worst case +$100), and add a video card (+$110).  Let’s see, adding that all up gets us to $3404.  Shoot, just over what the PowerMac costs.

    But wait, let’s do a similar thing for the PowerMac.

    We’d have to add 4 1GB ECC Dimms (+$1500), and increase the harddrive space, oh wait, they don’t have a redundant solution, so we’ll just go with the 500GB option they offer, even though it’s insanely inferior (+$500).  After adding on those, we’re at $5099. 

    Wow, for a whole 1.5 grand less, you can have a superior machine.  That’s really all I wanted to show.

  • Birthdays

    Happy Birthday Dad and Lori!  I hope you guys do something fun on your special day.

  • Taxes

    Wow, so I just received my State Tax Refund.  I love how we have a deadline or else we’re penalized for submitting them (and even paying).  However, the government can wait 9 months before it feels like cutting me a check.  Of course, I don’t get reimbursed interest on them holding my money for that long either.


  • Typical Friday

    Note, I did not say Friday night, just Friday.  And just in case you missed the sarcasm, this is in no way typical.

    The day started out in regional meetings at a hotel, but then around noon we all broke out and had a corporate picnic at the Windy City Fieldhouse.  We were shuttled there by bus from the hotel, and there was food, beer, and activities.  Having beer was definitely a change from the University life, that’s for sure.

    So, we’re having a good time, things are winding down, one of the buses has left, and we start playing flippy-cup with the remainder of the 2 kegs.  Talk about a team building experience 🙂

    Anyways, on the way back (sometime around 4-4:30) we decide to hit Octoberfest downtown.  Somehow (actually, I know exactly how), a good chunk of us ended up wearing wigs.  Coworker Joel and I were sporting sexy mullet wigs the whole night.  In fact we may actually get in the paper, and the band at Octoberfest acknowledged us (along with a good part of the crowd at the same time).  Needless to say the debauchery continued with wigs until around 1am.  Good times, that is, until I was called at 7:30 this morning for work related things.  Doh!

  • iPod Nano

    Well, I’ve been wanting to buy something for my walk/ride to work in the morning.  At first I was tempted to just get a miniSD card for my phone, but I never really went through with that, especially since 1GB miniSD cards are expensive and hard to come by. 

    And then we all saw the release of the iPod Nano.  I definitely admired the size and cost of the device, but I wanted to see it in person.  So, on Friday, me and a couple of guys from work headed to the Apple store to check out this new iPod. 

    What’s funny is that they didn’t even have any on the floor.  The only way you knew it exists was because a floor salesman was carrying one around showing it off.  We were all impressed with the size and the screen.  However, I was really grooving the black one online, and the guy was showing off a white one.  I asked if he had 4GB black ones, and sure enough, he said they had all of the in stock.

    One of the guys bought a 4GB white one for his wife, and I asked about the 4GB black ones.  The guy at the checkout said they didn’t have 4GB black ones.  Well, I wasn’t going to settle for something that wasn’t even what I really wanted.  I mean, I’ve waited this long.  Turns out they did have one, so, well, I bought one. 

    The thing is awesome.  It shows up as a removable harddrive, has an awesome screen, and the sound quality is pretty darn good (for mp3s).  However, iTunes, sucks.  I’ve got around 55GB of mp3s, and they’re stored on a network attached storage device.  I had some time on my hands, so I decided to add all of these mp3s to iTunes library.  Wow, was that a mistake.  First of all, it took forever, and then to select songs, or even to sync a CD to the iPod, it took forever

    I’m looking at anapod to use with it.  At least I can use drag and drop, and even have a shell explorer “send to.”  Plus, I can actually sync albums easily, unlike with iTunes.  I can tell that iTunes is definitely built around single songs and not full albums.  It’s just a shame though, but at least there are other alternatives to it.

    Now, I just need to get it to work in my car correctly.  There are many options.  However, for the best bang for the buck, I’m looking at the VW02/PC-POD.  This way it will work with all of my radio controls (don’t have to use the iPod at all), and it charges for those long trips.  The plan would be to wire it to the center arm rest.  But that’s another purchase and project.  Maybe if I actually used my car more than 3x a month.

  • Elevator Hot Wiring

    Today was another day in my life that I was thankful for having an engineering mind. 

    To give those of you that don’t have any idea the layout of my apt and accompanying elevator, I’ll now go into that.  Aaron and I have a private elevator that goes from the garage to our floor (the fourth), with an intermediate stop at the second floor, where the building patio is at.  The elevator is key controlled, so no one can just come up and visit us.  Now, for some reason, it never dawned on me why people couldn’t do this from the patio.  This is the story about how the “dawning” occurred.

    This morning, Erin and I went down to the patio via the elevator to enjoy the nice day with a cup of tea.  While we were outside, enjoying the beautiful weather, Aaron and Jen left to some party, via the elevator.  After enjoying the outdoors for an hour or so, unplugging the fish pond pump, and playing with a neighbors new puppy, we decided to head back up. 

    Clink Clink


    That’s the sound of the elevator door not opening.  At the time, we didn’t know that Aaron and Jen had left.  No big deal, we’ll just push the button and wait for the elevator.  Pushing the button didn’t do anything.  There wasn’t a key in this panel, and it was set to off.  Well, we couldn’t call the elevator, and neither of us had keys, phone, or shoes.  Great, just great. 

    So, we go sit back on the porch, realizing that we were locked out, and without shoes, we couldn’t even go for a walk anywhere.  We had the windows open last night, so both of us started thinking of way we could get to the open windows.  Granted, we were currently on the second floor, and the windows were on the fourth.  Once that idea fizzled, we moved on to something more serious.  We asked to use the neighbor’s phone who had the puppy.  In fact, she even had the Landlords cell and home phone numbers.  Not like it mattered, both numbers went unanswered, and I have no idea what Aaron’s number was.

    Then we thought we could pry open the doors if someone had forgotten to throw the deadbolt.  However, all we have for tools are garden tools.  Well, it was the best we had, so we went into the building and up to my door.  Because the door swung in, it meant that the seam was on the outside, plus it looked as if the deadbolt was thrown.  Maybe we could push the doors in, since they’re just French doors?  I remembered that the unused door was actually nailed shut, and as much fun as repairing that sounds, along with possibly breaking the stained glass windows from the force, we decided against that.  However, we still had the other door down at the garage.  Erin manned the front door of the building so I could get back in, and I ran around to the alley and attempted to pry the door open.  This door was the same as our other, it swung in, so it wasn’t possible.  I ran back around and Erin let me in.

    Dejected, we headed back to the patio.  I started fumbling around with the door while Erin sat in the shade for a bit.  Both of us were thinking, “WWMD (What would McGuyver do)?”

    We looked at the faceplate to the elevator controls, but the screws holding it in weren’t phillips or flathead.  Instead, they were some strange contraption with two holes, definitely used to deter people from tampering with it.  Well, we really didn’t have any other options, so we started looking for tools to try to unscrew the faceplate.

    There was this old, rusted, what looked like scissors, but weren’t, things that we were going to use to jimmy the doors open.  It had the two points from the shears, and low and behold it worked like a charm getting the faceplate off.  Once we had the plate off we were faced with 3 live wires running to the plate, one to the key lock and two to the button, and one wire running from the key lock to the button.  As soon as I saw that I figured that the key lock shorts between the one wire and the one running between the lock and the button, and then we’d just have to push the button. 

    So, Erin holds the faceplate, I short the connection with a spade with a wooden handle, and she pushes the button.


    Erin drops the faceplate, and I drop the spade.  Hmmm, that didn’t seem to work.  It was as if the whole device became electrified when I shorted it.  Hopefully a breaker wasn’t thrown, so we aren’t SOL and can try again once we look it over some more.  I look it over for awhile, and for the life of me can’t see how else this thing can possibly work, other than the way we just did it.

    So, we try again like silly monkeys.  This time, we wedge the faceplate into it’s holder so that we have an extra hand free, and we aren’t actually touching it.  Erin uses another spade’s handle to actually push the button this time, instead of doing it with her hand.  We both use frisbees to keep the faceplate from sliding around, instead of using our hands.  And, instead of shorting the connection with the spade, I just take the wire off from one end of the key lock, and touch it to the other end. 

    SUCCESS!  The elevator started coming up to us.  I kept the circuit shorted until the elevator arrived, since we didn’t want to do that again.  As we were putting everything back together, of course, my hand slips and decides to short out the connection, again. 


    That one was definitely a lot worse that the first time, but it’s good to see I have enough salts in my to properly ground a wire.

    Thankfully, that time didn’t throw a breaker either.  To have worked all that much only to screw up when putting it all back together.

    So, I’m tempted to call my landlord and inform him that the elevator isn’t really all that secure.  I mean, if someone could get on the second floor, and spend the 10-15 minutes it took us to hot wire it, they’re up in our apt no time.  Granted, I don’t’ really have that much faith in humanity that someone of that caliber would take the time, or have the knowhow to pull that off.  But, I’m glad that Erin and I were able to get off the porch.