
  • Salaried?

    As some of you may or may not know, I’m currently working as a contractor.  This means I’m hourly, with essentially no benefits.  While this is nice, having luxuries such as health care, paid vacation, etc are even nicer.  The good news is that I was offered a fulltime position last Friday.  After some negotiation talks, I will hear back from them tomorrow.  Hopefully everything goes well.

    **Update as of 7/27**

    I have accepted the offer.  The hire on date is tenatively set for next week.  Yay!

  • Sandwich

    Today at lunch a coworker and I went to the 7th floor of Marshall Field’s and had lunch.  I must say, my New York Steak Sandwich with mushrooms and carmelized onions was mighty tasty.  That is definitely one of the nice things about working downtown, you can always get good food for lunch.

  • New Desk

    I finally received the desk I had been pining over for the last few years.  I ordered it back around the beginning of June, I got a call from USF Holland yesterday, and I took delivery of the desk today.  Since I know you’re all wondering what kind it is, I suppose I’ll clue you in.  It’s a Herman Miller Eames Desk Unit.  I don’t remember how I stumbled upon this little gem, but ever since I did, I’ve wanted one.

    Getting it up to the apt wasn’t that bad either.  I had already removed it from the packaging (lots of cardboard on a pallet), and then Aaron and I brought it up in the elevator.  Before the receptionist at USF Holland told me how much it weighed, I thought that there wouldn’t be a problem moving it around.  But at 165 lbs, it’s quite heavy.  Oh well, it’s not like it’ll be moving any time soon.

    Now, to get a chair.  At work we have Aeron chairs, and I enjoy them quite a bit.  But my Aunt, who’s in the know on these things, says that Haworth x99’s are way better.  Unfortunately I can’t find a price on them online anywhere.  Oh well, I’ll just have to contact her and find out if she can help me out.

  • Pirates!

    I just want to thank Aaron for pointing me towards the awesome game, Sid Meier’s Pirates! It’s so basic, yet so incredibly fun.  In other news, it’s coming out for Xbox, well, today.  So, go rent it or something.  And if you don’t have an Xbox yet, shame on you.

  • Interesting Weekend (I’m a Moron)

    This weekend was all over the place.  It all began, Friday night, with me leaving Erin’s wallet in the cab to her friends place.  It and her cellphone were in my pocket.  Needless to say, when we got out, I had the cellphone, but not the wallet.  But wait, it gets better.  Then, on the return trip back to my place, the cellphone must have fallen out too!  Good to see I’m two for two.

    Needless to say, the weekend revolved quite heavily around these two events.

    Both times we lost something, we called the cab company, at least we think we called the right cab company.  It’s not really something you look at, let alone the cab number, unless something about the ride makes you think about it.  Needless to say, ride home, I got the cab number, just because I was thinking about it from earlier.  After calling the cab company about the cell phone, I repeatedly tried to call it, hoping someone may pick it up.  Well, someone did pick it up, but it was just to turn it off.

    Hopefully that means that it’s at the lost and found of the cab company.  The only downside, at the time, was that the lost and found of the cab company we thought it was, is only open Monday – Friday.

    Saturday consisted of cancelling all her credit cards, disconnecting her phone, and, you guessed it, sitting in line for 2.5 hours at the DMV.  Wow, I can tell you guys are incredibly jealous.

    Unfortunately, this could not have come at a worse time for Erin, since she is incredibly stressed because of school.  Adding this on top of that, I think, is bringing her very close to her breaking point.

    I just feel like such a moron for doing this to her.  Needless to say, there was alcohol involved Friday night.  But, on the up side, we had a good time at her friends place.

  • We’re Back (Again)

    Wow, another long hiatus, but we seemed to have weathered the storm.  There were many reasons for the downtime including a failed hard drive, crappy Intel NICs that actually had the RJ-45 jack come unsoldered, figuring out the layout at the compound, and me just being busy with other things.

    However, we’ve come back better than ever.  We’re currently rocking ExpressionEngine 1.3 , plus the backend, if not super fast, is crazy cool.  I’m currently divided up all backend resources to it’s own virtual server.  This allows me to play with one server, without, necessarily, effecting all the others.  Granted, that doesn’t really happen, since many servers are tied together (web server is tied to active directory server and SQL server), but it greatly helps.  Plus, this way I can have a sandpit for me to test new, emerging technologies without having to take down everything when something goes wrong. 

    I should be able to keep uptime back up to where it was before moving, but I already know of at least one downtime in the near future.  The server is physically moving within the apartment once the necessary equipment arrives.  This shouldn’t take very long, but then again, neither should the last few things I have done.

  • UPS

    Lately Aaron and I have bought a lot of things for the apt and stuff, and since we’re geeks, they have mostly been online.  Not that that is a problem or anything, but shipping has given us nightmares (him more than me).  Thankfully I haven’t had nearly the headaches that he has (Aaron, if you’re reading this, you really need to write an entry about your tales).  Also, it just seems to happen with one shipper, UPS.

    Well, anyways, I had multiple things shipped to my apt.  Oil and oil filter, fuel filter system, and xbox wireless controllers.  I never got a tracking number from any of the above, so I waited patiently.  Never was a tag put on our door for me.  Instead, Aaron got one, so he had stuff redirected to my office (changed the name to me, so the receptionist would know who they’re for).  Turns out that they just lumped both of our stuff on the same delivery notification, since my oil and fuel stuff got sent there too.  Not a big deal, but strange.

    Now, I haven’t received my wireless controllers yet, so I sent the company an email.  They told me that they were being returned, since it had sat at the UPS office for 7 or so days.  Thankfully they are nice, and are sending me two more via USPS to my office.  As you can see from the screenshot of UPS’s website, apparently I called in, not once, but twice.  I wonder who this person was, but it definitely wasn’t me. 

    Oh well, I guess it’s all worked out now, but I’m definitely sending everything to the office from now on.  That’s for sure

  • NeoCon

    Ever since I moved to my new apt, I’ve walked by the Merchandise Mart and have seen the flyer’s for NeoCon.  Now, at the time I didn’t really know what NeoCon actually was, but it was going to be in the same building as LuxeHome, so I was excited. 

    Well, of course, I remembered, yesterday.  Actually, I didn’t so much as remember, as I saw the Herman Miller, Steelcase, etc trucks sitting outside the Merchandise Mart.  So, I hit up the website last night only to find out that you have to pay to visit it.  That’s really unfortunate, because I wish I would’ve gone and snapped a few pictures to share. 

    I guess I’ll just have to keep visiting Inhabitat instead, sigh.

  • Is It Alive?

    Yes, I’m slowly getting everything back into shape.  There’s a lot of back-end changes going on, mostly for personal testing, so it’ll be a bumpy ride for a bit.  Aaron and I have moved into the apt, and we have had Internet access (on and off) for a week now.  However, since we both have an “Internet presence”, we’ve had to figure out a way to share everything nicely.  This is sort of the spot I’m in right now.  As you can see, I’ve got it slightly working, but I’m still missing a few spots.  Hopefully I’ll be able to plow through those soon, so I can get full access to my online resources.  I may need to get a book on ISA 2004 in order to do everything that I want, but so far, I’ve been able to get everything else working just how I want it. 

    Only time will tell, I guess.  It seems like there’s a lot of stuff I’ve wanted to blog about, but haven’t had the website to do it.  So, with luck, there’ll probably be a few updates here soon.

  • Bling Bling

    I just got my vacation pay from the University today and it’s over $1k more than I was expecting.  Talk about good times!