
  • Referrers

    It’s amazing how having your website down for a week and a half, really reduces the amount of referrers you get.  By visiting my referrers page prior to the downtime, I was seeing anywhere from 20-30 referrers per day (not visitors or anything, but people coming from links on other sites).  Now I’m seeing fewer than 10 a day.  Not that I really care, just interesting since most of the referrers are from friends’ websites or from search engines.

  • Chicago Residence

    Well, I picked up my keys to my new place on Friday.  Unfortuantely I won’t be moving all my goodies up there until next weekend.  However, I am happy to report that Erin is completely moved out of the dorms, and is in her new apartment.  It’s just a slight improvment.

    Aaron is actually pretty much all moved in to the new place.  Granted, he doesn’t have much right now, but that should change on the 25th, since that’s when he’s getting a rather large load of furniture delivered.  Today we actually met at the apt and did a little bit of cleaning.  Man, we’re gonna need more “stuff” in order to fill it.  I knew that I didn’t have much at my apt in Champaign, but I think it’s going to be even more noticable here.

    Anyways, I was looking at how much renting a Uhaul costs.  Man, they really want you to not move on Saturday’s don’t they?  First of all, their website actually uses some fairly effect propaganda to get you not to rent on a Saturday, and then they go and charge you $50 or more.  It’s not really a big deal for me though, since next weekend is a three day weekend, or at least it should be, I actually haven’t found out about that at work yet.  Oh yeah, and for some reason, I never thought it’d be that much.  It makes me wonder how much hiring people to do it would costs, though (little late now, and I won’t be around all week).

    Oh yeah, and getting my furniture up the four flights of stairs in the new place could be interesting.  I actually took a look at it today while I was cleaning.  Should be a good time.  Thankfully I don’t have stuff that’s incredibly heavy, but the couch and stuff are fairly large, so manuevering them could end up being interesting.

    I’m very excited about the new place though.  We’re thinking about making one of the rooms into a “music” room of sorts, since Aaron has a lot of guitars (plus amps) and a Sax, and I have a guitar and a trumpet that I can bring back from my parent’s place.  Should be good times.

  • Good Time to be a Gamer

    As many people know, this week is E3.  This means, that all the soon to be released stuff gets previewed this week.  The most notable stuff that’s come out in the last few days is the Xbox 360, and the PS3.  Nintendo has released some stuff on the Revolution, but nothing to the extent of Microsoft and Sony.

    Needless to say these next gen consoles are going to rock.  Microsoft has finally realized what the original Xbox should’ve been (and actually almost is with xbmc).  Sony, has, at least on paper, produced a machine that seems unheard of with respect to hardware.

    Personally, I’m looking forward to the 360 more than the ps3.  Yeah, the ps3 seems to have the edge with hardware specs, but who knows if that will really mean anything, plus it’s coming out after the xbox.  The things I really am looking forward to the 360 are the multimedia hub aspect to it, because, frankly, that’s pretty much all I use my xbox for right now.  However, the dual HD outputs and the ability to have 7 wireless controllers on the ps3 entices me also.

    I guess it all comes back to the title…it’s a good time to be a gamer.

  • Moving Again

    Well, it’s been another two years, so it’s time to pack up and move again.  Man, and I thought it was bad when I lived with my parents and we moved every four years or so.  As you know from previous posts, I’m moving up to Chicago.  Aaron and I actually signed a lease yesterday for an awesome apt, that’s within walking distance of work (but not in a high rise).

    The place is the top floor of a 4 floor walk up.  The first floor is actually the landlords office, and the other two floors are singles (each floor is divided in two).  The landlord actually used to live in the apt we’re renting quite a few years ago, so it has a lot of amenities: jacuzzi, custom cabinets, stainless steel range (viking exhaust that raises out of counter, just like my parents had a few houses ago), dual ovens, Sub-Zero fridge.  The landlord has a bad hip, too, so he installed an elevator;  a private elevator for only the 4th floor.  Plus, I’m getting a garage spot, which will be very nice.  I don’t think my car will know what to do, not being parked outside in the elements.  The place has gorgeous views of the city too, since it’s only 11 blocks west of downtown.  There is a shared patio on the back for all tenants.  It has a gas grill and a small fish pond.  I can see many summer evenings spent out on the porch with beers and burgers. 

    All for under 1900 for the two of us.  We both saw it as a great deal and jumped on it.  I’m glad we did too, because apparently the guy showed it to a few other people after us. 

    I pick up the keys on Friday, and Aaron may start moving stuff in this weekend.  However, Erin (oh wow, this is gonna get fun, eh?) is also moving to a new place this weekend, so I’m going to help her, and then, come Memorial Day weekend, head down to Champaign and rent a Uhaul to truck my stuff up.

    To all my faithful readers, you know you wanna help 🙂  Beer and pizza may be provided!

  • Back in Action

    Wow, so that was a long downtime, eh?  Basically, what happened was my IP changed, and the software that’s supposed to auto update my DNS nameservers didn’t really do it’s job.  But in all honestly, that may have been my fault, since it was complaining about not being able to log in with the credentials supplied. 

    Now that every thing’s back up an running, I’ve got a lot to talk about.  Hopefully I’ll have some time to actually do it.

    Oh yeah, and that may not sound like it should’ve taken over a week to fix, but I’m essentially living up in Chicago now.  So when something breaks in Champaign, it takes a bit to get down and fix it.

  • Bling Bling

    Last night Erin and I were watching some Adult Swim, when we saw the most hilarious commercial.  At first, both of us thought it was a joke, like what the Geico commercials are.  But, it turns out, it was no joke.

    The product in the commercial was called “Bling it On”.  Essentially, all it was, was the holographic metallic stickers from the 80’s.  It was incredibly funny though, especially when the woman playing the mom interjected that even mom’s can use some extra bling.

    I don’t think they actually gave a price for this special product, but I’m sure if you ran down to your nearest hobby store, you could DIY.

    To see a video of said commercial, please view the comments, since Bree was able to find it and link to it for us.

  • PT Party

    Friday, after work I met Erin, Bree, and some of their friends at Ballydoyle’s.  They had had a stressful week at school and wanted to have a good time.  I got there a little bit before 7 and Erin and two others showed up at 7.  Then Bree and Eric showed up around 7:30.  A few more of their friends showed up around 8:30, and then we left around 11-11:30 (their stuff is actually the individuals at the bottom, and wasn’t that much).  It’s not good when the waitress says, “It’s quite a lot!” as she hands you the tab.  As you can see from the receipt (don’t mind the marked out entries, that’s just me figuring out what’s been paid back), the damage was steep, but a good time was had.

  • Bike Rack

    Now that I’m actually using my bike, I want a better way of hauling it (and Erin’s) around.  Currently she has a trunk mount one, but, well, it sucks.  If it didn’t scratch the crap out of her car, I’d be half way tempted to slap it on mine and then we could take my car, but alas…

    Plus, I’m getting some extra money from the University for my vacation days.  Nothing like a little extra cash to burn a hole in your pocket.  Anyways, I’m looking at getting a Thule rack from ORS Racks Direct.  They have the best price by far (20% off MSRP), free shipping until tomorrow, and no tax (man I love the internet).  Anyways, I need some help from my fellow readers.  I need to know which is better, an upright mount, or a fork mount?  I can see how each one would have it’s benefits, plus there’s the fact that having the upright mounts increase the price by $38 (more for the actual mount, plus I need 2 more lock cylinders). 

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, and the sooner the better, since the deals seem to end tomorrow.

  • New Job

    Much like Travis, I too have a new job.  I start up in Chicago on Monday.  For the time being, I’ll be crashing on people’s couches until I can find my own place.  Who’s looking for a roommate for a downtown apt?

  • PIO Mode

    I bought a DVD burner recently, and that has been my primary burner in my new Dell machine.  However, just the other day, I realized it doesn’t have the ability to burn from cue files.  This, unfortunately, is a problem, since that’s how I backup all my CDs with flac.  Thankfully, my trusty old LiteOn 52x burner that I got for like $20 after rebate does. 

    So, I throw in the LiteOn in addition to the DVD burner, and start burning.  However, during the burn process my computer starts acting very slow.  Thankfully, I know that the problem is that the burner is in PIO Mode.  Usually, this is an easy fix; you just go into device manager, and then hit up the disk controller and change the pull down from PIO Mode Only to DMA Mode if Available under advanced settings.  I do this, restart, and STILL in PIO Mode.

    Now, I know that this LiteOn works in DMA mode, because that’s the way it used to be in my old machine.  So I check out google, and one of the first links I get to talks about enabling the drives in BIOS.  It also mentions seeing if there are events in the logs about it timing out in DMA mode.  Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case, so BIOS here we come.

    Now, this seems a bit odd.  I mean, if it’s not enabled in BIOS, how the hell can Windows even see the drive at all?  Well, I figure it’s worth a shot.  I head into BIOS, and sure enough it’s disabled.  I enable it, boot back into Windows, and low and behold, works like a charm.  This may also explain why the DVD burner was having such a hard time while the CDROM drive the machine came with was plugged in too.

    I guess you do learn something new every day.