
  • Birthday

    My birthday is coming up later this week, so everybody send me cash.  No, really.  However, I have gotten a gift already.  It’s from Erin, and it’s a guitar!  I’ve been wanting to get one for awhile now, but have always had something else I’ve needed more at the current time.  But now, I have one, and I have no excuses. 

    So far, I’ve learned a scale, and “A Horse with No Name” (well, at least the chorus).  I really need to work on strengthening my fingers, since they don’t seem to want to go where they need to currently.  That’ll come with time though.  She also got me a soft case and a nice chords book.  We were looking at intro to guitar books, but I can already read music and stuff, so I figure I may as well just jump right in.  Plus, there’s free stuff on the intarweb that I can use for that.  Ah, the intarweb.  Is there nothing you can’t help with?

  • XBox Power Cable Revisited

    I actually received my replacement xbox power cable about 2 weeks ago, but I just haven’t gotten around to posting about it.  I have no idea what got into me, but I’ve been supremely lazy.  Anyways, the reason I even mention it, is because it came with a manual.  That’s right, a power cord with a manual.  What has the world come to?  I suppose I could be thankful, since I could’ve been sent the ginormous cord.

    Well, apparently, even the new power cords aren’t doing what they were initially planned to do.  Here’s a shocker, since the problem seems to be the actual solder jobs in the power supplies.  Not quite sure how a power cord could alleviate that problem, but then again, I’m no Microsoft engineer.

  • St Patty’s Day

    I hope everybody is having a wonderful St Patrick’s Day.  Be sure to go out and drink some beer for your friends here at

    In other news, I will be updating the site.  I actually have lots to talk about that I haven’t put up lately, I just haven’t gotten around to it.

  • Website Design

    The quote of the day today is:

    Whenever there’s a site that makes you wonder whether Jesus died in vain, the odds are it was created by Microsoft’s (Af)FrontPage.

    Today’s quote comes from the 14th biggest web design mistakes of 2004 by Vincent Flanders of Web Pages that Suck

  • Updates all Around

    Well, they aren’t exactly updates, I’ve just decided to use a few features for anti-spam that I recently didn’t want to have to deal with.  I got about 10 random spam posts on my website last night, and, well, I’m just kinda sick of it.

    First of all, trackbacks have been disabled.  Nobody uses them on my website anyways, and well, they were just a bringer of spam.  The second thing, is that I set commenting limited to 30 days.  This was actually already set on all the other sites, except the main one (mostly because nobody else updates their site, so they were all already over 30 days old anyways).

    Hopefully this should all but stop the spam, but at the very least it will limit it to maybe a few here and there.

  • Cell Phone

    Anybody that’s trying to call my cell, don’t bother.  I just ordered an MPx220 from, and since I’m porting the number, my current phone is essentially dead.  When I attempt to place a call I get, essentially, the operator saying I need to supply a credit card, calling card, or I can place a collect call.  Honestly, I never knew that the cell phones would work that way.  I don’t know why they wouldn’t, but it never dawned on me.

    Good thing I don’t use my phone that much anyways.  Oh, and I’m donating my old phone to A Woman’s Place that a friend works at.

    Well, I have the new phone, and it and voicemail have been setup.  Now to just figure out all the bells and whistles with this thing.  Good lord, it has about eleventy billion more options than my old one.

  • It’s not Diet

    I dropped off Erin at her place last night after we spent the weekend at my parents place, and I got a soda to take for the rest of the ride down.  Unfortunately, they don’t have diet, so I was subjected to the full frontal assault of the sugar water that is known as Pepsi

    I honestly don’t know how people can drink regular.  Do you people enjoy having that sugar coating on your teeth?  It’s almost as if it hurt me.

  • The Drive to Work Today

    Man there were a lot of college students roaming the streets this morning on the way to work.  They were also wearing a lot of green.  Oh right, that’s because today is Unofficial St Patty’s Day.

    When I was back in college (oh yes, back in the day), the only time we had an Unofficial was when St Patty’s day fell on the week of spring break.  However, now, in order for the University to look better at Engineering Open House, they have persuaded the bars to do it a week early regardless.

    Nothing like heading to the bars at 8am and drinking green beer till they close at 2am.  Ah, what it was like to be a student.

  • Your Door is Ajar

    This morning I drive to work, and then as I get out and lock the car, I noticed that the horn didn’t sound when I pushed the lock button.  The lights flashed like normal and the doors locked, but no horn.  Strange.  Then as I got in my car again for lunch, I noticed that it was complaining about my door being ajar, even though it wasn’t.

    I figure, I need to take my car in for a recall soon anyways, so I’ll just have them take a look when I bring it in.  Then, after lunch, I went and filled up the car with some gas (had about 20 miles to go till I would’ve been stranded), and when I got back in, no more door ajar warnings.  Coincidence?

  • The “Z” Part Deuce

    Well, I totally forgot to mention the whole point in my coworker wanting to wash and wax his car last night.  He’s actually trying to sell it.  It runs great, sounds awesome, and is super clean.  If you want to see pics visit the 300zx gallery, and if you want to contact the owner about anything or even a possible purchase, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
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    document.getElementById(‘eeEncEmail_nW7uApJCMB’).innerHTML = output;
    .  He’s looking for $9500 obo.