
  • Logs of Fun

    I was talking with a coworker today about my site over some beers, and it got me to thinking that I hadn’t checked my site logs in about forever.  It’s always fun to browse through the logs to see who’s viewing my site, and how often.  Well, it turns out that the guys at Fox Drive have taken the number 1 spot with hits.  Nothing like 9.2k hits since November 3rd, with over 63MB transferred.  Way to beat out the search bots guys.  Keep up the good work.  ๐Ÿ™‚

    In general statistics, I have about 812 hits per day, have close to 92k hits serving up over 645MB since November 3rd.  Looking at the page views per day starting in November, there has been a steady increase since around the beginning of the year.  Looking at the visitors per day, this trend is magnified.  However, I don’t think this has to do with my blogging poweress, but more to do with the influx of spam.  For some reason, I don’t think that my visitors all the sudden doubled at the beginning of the year, but who knows, maybe. 

    Hopefully I can still keep people interested with my life.  Things seem to have died down a bit lately, but that’s about to change.  Change is definitely coming.  Hopefully quite soon.

  • Bowling

    Went bowling this weekend with Erin and her family.  Man, I haven’t done that in forever.  I actually didn’t do that bad either with the second game coming in at 182.  Unfortunately, my thumb is now quite sore at the base.  As I recall, this seems to happen every time I go bowling. 

    But I had so much fun (and I did fairly well), that I was thinking about joining a league.  Hell, even a few coworkers were talking about it the other day, so maybe I will while I’m still here.

    Oh yeah, and I want to wish Erin’s mom a happy “29th” birthday ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Buying Music

    Last night I actually went and bought four CDs.  For those of you that know me, know that this rarely happens.  However, ever since I got my Citibank Rewards Credit Card, I keep accumulating points and then redeem the for Best Buy gift certificates.  So, I’m not really spending money to buy these CDs, since it’s really free money that I’d not normally have.  Plus I can then resell the CDs on and actually get money in my pocket without losing that much.

    Now, the whole point of this tirade is to let everyone know what I bought.  It was the fact that I purchased CDs which I already had.  Granted, I hadn’t previously purchased these CDs, but it shows that if the band is truly good they will get their money (at least from me).  Hell, at least one of the CDs I would never have even heard of if it hadn’t been for downloading a song or two.

    I still think the best way to actually get to know a band is to listen to them.  How else can you listen to a band without

    a) going to a concert (and who goes to see the opening act?  plus it’s more expensive than a CD usually)
    b) hearing it on the radio (oh wait, the radio sucks.  thankyou clearchannel)
    c) hearing a commercial on the TV (granted, I’ve bought a few CDs because of this)
    d) downloading music
    e) sharing CDs with friends

  • Xbox Power Cable

    Apparantly there is a recall on Xbox Power adapters.  You can read all about it at  It seems to effect US consoles sold before Oct ‘03.  Go get yourself a new cord!

  • Sharepoint

    Michael brought up a great point the other day.  As he puts it, “there’s way to much shit i know.”  Now, granted, this usually isn’t that big of a problem.  However, it’s when you haven’t been using that knowledge and you want to attempt to remember it in a timely fashion, that things begin to breakdown.  Personally, I’d hate to think of all the stuff I have forgotten about just because I haven’t used them.  Well, now I may have a personal solution.  Windows Sharepoint Services.

    Hopefully this will help me clean out my bookmarks, since that’s where I have a tendency to keep all this stuff.  Usually, I have a problem, find the solution, and then have to redo all the previous steps when said problem comes up again.  It’d be nice if I had a personal place where I could just copy things into, and be able to edit them as I need to also. 

    Case in point, just today, my brother needed help with something, and I needed to do a remote assistance session with him.  Now, he’s behind a router that doesn’t support uPNP, so I had to manually edit the remote assistance file that he sent me.  Granted, I’ve had to do this before, but hell if I remembered.  So I had to waste a good 10-20 minutes figuring out why I was having such a hard time connecting to him (plus the fact he had xp home, which I didn’t remember, so I couldn’t just TS in). 

    Hopefully this will make everything better.  You can view my personal knowledge base at it’s new location.

  • Valentineโ€™s Day

    Just throwing out a happy valentines day to everyone.  Erin received her gift in the mail today, and I think she enjoyed it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Oh, and for those of you that forgot, or whatever, just print out some of these coupons.  I’m sure your significant other will love them.

  • Girlfriend

    It was brought to my attention on Friday, that I hadn’t really posted much about about her.  In fact, after looking through the website, the only time I’ve even really mentioned her was in passing.

    Well, since that entry about a month ago, she is now my girlfriend.  Actually this weekend she actually came down to visit me (every weekend previous to this, I had gone up to see her).  As I mentioned before, Bree was the setup person behind this.  She is going to school at Midwestern to become a physical therapist, and became friends with Erin.

    Yes, I know what you’re thinking now.  “Her name is the same!”  Blah, blah, blah.  It happens, whatever, it’s just a name.  At first it was weird, but it didn’t take much to get over it.  She and I have a lot of the same interests, being outdoors, biking, camping, etc.  I just need to get her into climbing and I think we’re all set :).

    This weekend we didn’t really do much, but we did celebrate Valentine’s Day on Saturday since we wouldn’t be seeing each other on Monday.  I brought her out to Silvercreek for dinner, and then we went out with some of her friends to a bar downtown Champaign.  It was a good time, and the food was awesome.  I had the lamb chops, which were fabulous, and she had Beef Tenderloin, which was also great. 

    All in all, a good weekend.

  • Getting a Dell

    Today, until the 14th (I think), there is an awesome deal on Dell’s Dimension 4700.  For $499 (after $100 rebate), you get a 2.8GHz 800MHz FSB HT P4, 256MB DDR2 400MHz RAM, 40GB SATA Harddrive, 2 Year Warranty, FREE 17” LCD Monitor, and free shipping. 

    Just today, I was trying to transcode some Divx files to MPEG to burn to a DVD for my Mom (yes Mom, I’m still working on it), and I realized how dumb of an idea that was going to be on my tablet.  I started thinking that I needed to actually get a workstation for home, to do some of the things the tablet just isn’t very good at.  Of course, this deal just happened to start today, so, instead of getting a watch with my tax refund, I’ll be getting a new machine.  I did, however, upgrade the ram to 512MB and a 80GB harddrive.

    Hopefully I’ll have it soon so that I can give my Mom her bday gift.

  • IPass part 2

    This weekend was the first real test of the IPass holder.  It worked flawlessly as expected.  I stuck it on my car Thursday morning, and I’m happy to report that it’s still in the same spot.  The suction cup doesn’t even look like it’s straining. 

    However, if I were to do it again, there would be a slight design modification.  Instead of wrapping the wire around the nipple, I would heat the wire with a lighter, and just stick it right through the nipple.  This would solve all of the current minor design flaws.  But, like I said, it works just fine the way it is, so I can’t really see myself doing that, unless I get really bored.

    Oh yeah.  I also forgot to mention that the Skyway’s toll hasn’t gone up to $4 as was thought in a previous entry.  Instead, it is currently set at $2.50 (for the just the bridge that is).  Those rates went into effect on the 2nd of February.  I just took that way to head to MI this weekend, so I thought I’d share the info.

  • The Week Was Going Quite Well

    After lunch today, I went to put a bag into my trunk, when I was greeted with a nice “FL” engraved into it.  Talk about a quick way to put me in bad spirits.  I mean, talk about a low thing to do, go around keying cars.  What’s really frustrating about it, is that this person actually took the time to write something in.

    I swear, I never had any problems with the truck like this, and it definitely wouldn’t have bothered me nearly this much.  It was either some student walking back to their dorms (as I work right next to them), or someone where I live.  Honestly, I think it was someone where I live because that’s how my windshield was broken, and the kids that live there have a tendency to do a lot of crap like that.  The other day they were throwing rocks not 5ft away from the parked cars, etc.  Plus, there aren’t nearly as many people walking around.

    I’m tempted to talk to my landlords about this, but again, I have no proof.  I just need to figure out the best way to fix it now.  I could use touch up paint on it, but then there’s the huge bulge which is almost always just as bad as the original mark.  Apparently there is goo stuff that can get rid of the bulge, but I haven’t tried it yet.  It was something I read on TDI Club.
