
  • Yet Another Redesign

    This is for all you RSS readers.  I’ve done a mini-redesign yet again on the site.  I definitely like the use of white space better now, and the color scheme fits me and that site better.

  • Can’t Sleep

    Ugh, my mind is racing about things that have happened this evening, and because of it I cannot sleep.  Granted, this is the topic that I didn’t want to talk about in the previous post, but hopefully by doing so, I’ll be able to sleep.  Hopefully.

    Today, I noticed Colleen’s most recent post on her website.  Hell, I even left a comment.  Obviously, I’m not a dumb cookie, and figured that she was dating someone.  No biggie.  So, we went out to dinner tonight (previously planned), and of course the topic of who she was dating came up.  Needless to say, I knew she was long before her post, and hell, I even knew who (I’m so proud of myself).  Then I dropped her off at her place and headed home.

    Wow, that’s when something horrible hit me.  I don’t know why, but it hurt.  What makes it even worse was that, in my mind, there’s no reason it should.  I mean, it has been 5 months since we broke up.  This sadness then, in turn, made me quite angry.  I mean yeah, I’ve cared for no one as much as her, but still, its been close to half a year.  We’ve both gotten on with our lives.  Why am I still feeling this way?  When will it end?  I don’t want to not be her friend or not hang out with her because of these screwed up feelings I’m having.  But then again, we all know how well bottled up feelings go over (haha).

    I really don’t know what else to say about it, nor what to do, it’s quite aggravating.  I’m not really sad about it anymore, but whenever I lay down to sleep I just see her and this other guy.  That cannot be healthy.  Maybe by getting it out of my system by writing it down here will help?  Man, I hope so, otherwise work tomorrow is going to be extremely rough.

  • Why Blog?

    I was talking to a friend this evening about something I wish I could share on here, but unfortunately, for many reason I won’t, and she asked me why don’t I keep a journal?  To that I responded that a journal doesn’t do anything, and that I want to hear the feedback of others to ensure that I am normal and to find out what other people do in similar situations. 

    I suppose this is why I keep a website and blog.  I know that I’ve touched on this before, but every week seems to bring me to a different part of posting on my website.  Currently, it allows me to write about things, but then I can also find out what other people think.  I’m guessing that’s why I didn’t like the first incarnations of, because there was no way to get feedback.  In that context it was just a journal, but everyone can see it. 

    Now, some people think that I don’t seem to censor my online thoughts here at  However, contrary to their belief, I do.  I know the people that read this site, and because of that, I do have to be careful on what I write.  There are times, like tonight, I wish I could write about whatever I want and still get the same benefits.  However, to do that would require starting another website and updating it.  Plus, that website would be totally anonymous, which would mean I would have no readers (not like I have many now…) and would totally defeat my purpose. 

    Oh well, in other news, something big will hopefully be coming down the pike for me.  I hope to find out soon, and it will make so many things that I’m unhappy about right now go away.  More on that as details emerge though.

  • My Xmas Gift

    We all do it, don’t we?  Give ourselves a little something for the holidays?  Previous years for me, it’s been Arc’Teryx Coats, video cards, and other computer parts.  This year isn’t nearly as glamorous, nor expensive.  This year is a new set of glasses, and to change my old glasses into sunglasses.

    I think it’s been over 4 years since I last went to the eye doctor, and since this is a new place, they made me go through all the tests.  Thankfully I didn’t have to get my eyes dilated though.  However, when they wiped out the book to test for color blindness, I gave out a slight chuckle.  The lady looked at me and asked if I was color blind, and I told her I was.  I still had to do the test, but those darn last two pages in that book are hard to make out.  Needless to say, I’m still colorblind.

    Also on the calendar are a doctors and dentist appointment.  Both of which haven’t been done for about as long as the eyes.  Nothing says the Holiday Season better than getting everything checked out!

  • Sad Days

    Colleen has been taking the death of a friend of ours pretty badly.  It disheartens me when she feels this way, especially when there’s not really anything I can do about it.  I’ve offered to sit down and be a good listener for her, but for whatever reason (I can think of a few real good ones), she has declined.

    I still care about her, and I really don’t want to see her like this, but there’s not really much I can do.  And I can understand why I wouldn’t be the first person she’d come to.  I mean, we’re still friends and all, but I don’t see myself as being the first person she’d come to.

    Oh well, as I said before, there’s not much I can do, even though I wish there was.  It just bums me out to see her like that.

  • Incredibly Frustrating Part 2

    Well, I finally got around to trying out the Automatic Document Feeder for my scanner that HP shipped, and low and behold it works.  Well, not 100%, but it works.  The only problem now is that when it’s doing duplexing some documents get stuck half way through on the second pass.  Mildly frustrating, but not nearly as much as not having a functioning document feeder at all.  I wish I could praise Motion Computing the same though.

    If the University didn’t pay for this POS laptop, I would’ve sent it back months ago.  So, the problem is that my mouse “dances” in one of the corners.  It essentially gets stuck there, bouncing around and clicking till it’s heart is content.  The only way to get it out is to take out the pen and use it.  Now, granted, it’s annoying but at least you can still use the bloody thing.  That brings us to problem two; it mysteriously going into standby.  Yes, that’s right, I’m using it, not really doing anything intensive (writing this entry for example), and the machine decides it wants to go into standby. 

    Now, being the inquisitive and helpful person that I am, I’ve been troubleshooting these two problems on my own since they first started happening.  About 2 weeks after the dancing cursor started happening, I had concluded it was solely based on heat buildup in the laptop.  It was only occurring when it was in sunlight, I was holding it, or I was doing something very intensive like running VMWare.  I sent it back to them (on their buck) to see if they could fix it.  I get it back, still does it.  I then get a call about a month or so later from Motion asking if I was still experiencing the cursor problem.  They wanted to get as much info as possible since they weren’t sure exactly what the problem was since simply replacing the digitizer didn’t work.

    During this time, I thought I’d help them out and wipe my machine to start from scratch.  Well, that’s when the lovely standby problem started rearing it’s lovely head.  Granted, it wasn’t the first time it had happened (last time I wiped it, same problem), but I somehow got it to stop before.  Needless to say, this problem makes the laptop 100% useless.  I can’t even attempt to do anything without it shutting itself off.  I narrowed it down to the machine actually overclocking itself.  Who knows why, but at times the front side bus was running more than 33Mhz faster.  Being that there’s no fans in this tablet, that couldn’t have been good.  Well, I started up another RMA for that, but also mentioned that my cursor was still doing the same thing.  They said to send it back.  This time, they didn’t offer to pay for it.

    “The motherboard may need to be checked out, it maybe defective.  I suggest you send it in again.”

    So, of course I send it back in on the 19th.  I live without the tablet for half a week and then got it back on Monday.  Played with it a bit, and it seemed to be working fine.  Well, that didn’t last long.  Standby over and over.  It makes the workday so enjoyable.  So, I start back up the email conversation, continuing on from the previous one where they said they’d check out the motherboard.

    At first I just conveyed that it was still doing it again, but this time it seemed to be regardless of what I was actually doing on the machine.  After a day of no response, I received an email.

    An RMA has been issued to you so that you can send the unit in and have it fixed by a tech.  It sounds like an issue with the motherboard and needs to be checked by a tech.  I don’t think this problem can be fixed over email, please let me know if you still want to use this RMA to send the unit in.

    What the hell?  Why are they looking at the same problem that they apparently looked at last week.  It didn’t seem right to me, so I responded.

    I just sent it in 2 fridays ago, and just got it back on Monday from an rma (9949) on this exact same problem and I was told you were going to replace the motherboard.

    “>>Shane Farris
    >>The motherboard may need to be checked out, it maybe defective.  I
    >>suggest you send it in again.”

    Now I know that this laptop is indeed overclocking itself.  I used cpu-z ( the fsb is more than 50% of the time >100Mhz (and therefore the quad-pumped bus speed is greater than 400Mhz).  In fact, using cpu-z I’ve seen bus speeds ranging from 250Mhz to 750Mhz!  These speeds were noted while Outlook, Trillian, and internet explorer were open with no intensive tasks running.

    Also, I just received a phone call that there is a permanent solution to the dancing cursor problem, which I also have.  It would be great if both of these problems could be fixed the next time I send it in.  Unfortunately, I have a presentation tomorrow afternoon in which I need the tablet, so I wouldn’t be able to get it out until afterwords.  It would also be nice if you guys would pick up the shipping to you this time, especially since it looks as if nothing was done last time I sent it in.

    And their non-helpful response was then beamed back to me.

    I’m sorry I thought you didn’t send the unit in yet.  Motion has found a solution to the erratic cursor problem and can fix that for you now.  I also told them to check out the motherboard issue and see why its over clocking the bus.  Please send the tablet back to the same address using RMA number MTC10518.  Thanks

    Once again, I was going to have to pay to send back this piece of crap laptop.  At least I’d be able to kill two birds with one stone.  Granted, I’d still have to send it back on my buck to pay for their mistakes.  Well, I figured I’d give them a call and see if I could get them to at least consider it.

    Before I called, I wanted to see what they actually did on my machine last week when I sent it back.  They at least have a website where you can type in the RMA number and see what they did. 

    Symptoms 1 (SS01)POINT DEVICE FAIL
    Root Cause 1 DEFECTIVE
    Part Used 1 DIGITIZER

    WTF?!  So, they replaced the digitizer, even though that wasn’t the main problem, plus they knew it would’ve fix it.  I’m starting to fume, I figured now would be the time to call.  Called, and of course I got Shane, who I’m assuming is the guy that I’ve been dealing with, since he starts all his emails with his name (don’t you usually start letters/emails with the other persons name?).  I asked him why they replaced the digitizer last week, even though that wasn’t really the problem I sent it in about, and that they knew it wouldn’t be fixed.  He sidestepped it well and mentioned that there was a fix for the digitizer problem.  Somehow they figured it was a heat problem, and by putting a cover over the hard drive, it would solve the problem.  I wanted to hang up right then.  I’d been telling them this for months, and they finally listened.  Well, I told him that I do want that fixed, but that is not the most urgent problem, the one where my computer randomly goes to sleep is.  He said that they’d have to replace the motherboard, and I asked, “Like they were supposed to do last time?” 

    Well, finally I said that there’s no way I’m paying to send it in, since I paid last time and they didn’t fix anything.  I also informed him that they previously paid for me to send it in, the first time, when I thought they were a decent company.  He said that he could get me labels, but would have to have his manager/supervisor do it, since I would need them for tomorrow, not today. 

    Hopefully my machine does restart too many times while I’m trying to be professional and doing a presentation on and Exchange Migration.  For some reason, I’m not holding my breath.

  • Turkey Day Trek

    For Thanksgiving, I made the trek home.  Normally this isn’t that bad.  It is 5.5 hours, but it doesn’t seem like it’s that long.  However, this time, the weather didn’t want to cooperate.  The Midwest was set to get its first snowstorm of the year, which of course means retarded drivers.  Instead of battling it in Chicago, I decided to try and outrun it by heading to Indianapolis first, and then head North.  I’m definitely glad I went that way, since I was able to avoid the snow until Fort Wayne.  Plus, the traffic was greatly reduced than what it would’ve been in Chicago.  However, going the other way still didn’t aid in shaving off any time.  Instead of being a 5.5 hour journey it ended up being close to 8.  As much fun as going 35 down the freeway sounds…

    What made it that much worse was just outside of Ann Arbor, the freeway becomes three lanes, and by that time the roads were just wet (no lake effect).  You’d think that speeds would go back to normal, but no, people still felt the need to go below 40.  My speed delta during the snow/rain was MPH.  It was loads of fun.

    Thanksgiving was good: fried turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry relish, pumpkin pie, etc.  It was nice not having to be at work, which, unfortunately hasn’t gotten any better.  I helped my parents get a couple of new TV’s, got some of the grease used for the turkey fry (biodiesel), played some xbox on said new TV, and put up Xmas lights. 

    All and all, not a bad weekend.

  • Remote Controlled On/Off

    I love the Xbox, and everything it does.  However, there’s one annoying little thing that you simply can’t do, turn it on and off remotely.  Yes, I know this makes me supreme of lazy, but since it’s so tied into my Home Theater setup, it would be extremely nice if I could operate its powerstate like I do all the other components in my system. 

    If you visit Xbox-Scene, there is a tutorial on how to do it, but it requires you to find a specific chip and then program it.  Since I don’t have a programmer, that was kind of out of my league.  Of course, someone figured this would be an easy way to make a few bucks.  Welcome the XIR from CheapLPC. 

    I purchased the Pro version, because I’m ok with spending less and having to do one solder connection.  Installation was a snap; simply slide some wires into the motherboard molex connector, and solder the one point.  Granted, the one solder point was a bit awkward because of it’s location, but definitely not that hard by any stretch.  I had to reprogram the Pronto last night with the xbox remote configuration, since I currently don’t have an xbox remote.  This, unfortunately, took the vast majority of my time because I pretty much redid my whole configuration since so much had changed (no more DVD player, Colleen’s, no more Digital Cable Box).  However, the XIR preformed flawlessly, just as advertised.  I slipped the IR Receiver so it just pokes out on the front display and now when there’s a commercial or nothing on TV worth watching, I can easily flip to the xbox without having to get up to turn it on.  The thing can even turn on and off my modchip via the remote.  I just have to install a (not included) wire from it to the dreaded d0 point.  Granted, for me, there’s no real reason to have the modchip off, but who knows.

    Now all I need is some Wireless Controllers, and I’m all set.  Granted, they are already on my Wishlist, so here’s wishing.

  • Food Binge

    Not to be outdone by Travis, I too have been doing some cooking today.  Granted, I doubt if it’s nearly as complicated as his are, but I’m trying to find something to bring for Thanksgiving.  I guess I’m at that age where I can actually participate and bring a side or dessert or something.

    Much like Aaron, I too have been watching the Good Eats episodes.  Now, when I actually had cable (that went above channel 20), I was a FoodTV addict, and Good Eats was watched whenever it was on.  If you haven’t watched a Good Eats episode, please, do it, especially if are slightly of the science/engineering type.  This show was designed for us.  Well, I watching his show on apples, and being that it’s apple season and that I already dry them, I found a killer recipe for baked apples with a crumb topping.  Now, my Mom makes a killer Cobbler (doesn’t matter the type), but it’s such a pain, and as Alton Brown points out, the topping is like glue on a pan.  So, he instead makes the apple the pan.  It’s pure genious, and I must confess that they definitely “Good Eats.”  I halved the ingredients list (well, as best I could, more on this later), and made two.  I still have enough crumb topping to do more than two more.  Next time, I’ll definitely cut out more apple than I did this time, to shove even more topping in.  Because, let’s be honest, the topping is the best part!

    Now, halving the ingredients was quite funny, because as I mentioned, I don’t have a complete kitchen.  The fact I have no measuring spoons, am missing all my thirds cups, just makes it more fun.  That’s why I really like cooking, because it’s totally an experiment whenever I’m doing it.  Yes, I attempted to use Alton’s recipe, but talk about loose guidlines.  Another example would be the other day when I wanted tacos.  Now, I didn’t have any ground beef, but I did have pinto beans and refried beans.  In the pot when the drained beans (I hate the “juice” that comes with pinto beans) with garlic and enough water to cover them.  Let them simmer until the vast majority of the water was gone and the beans were tender.  Then, in went the refried beans along with chili powder and tabasco to taste.  For those of you who’ve had a bean burrito at Taco Bell know exactly the consistency that beans ended up being. 

    Now, I’m not claiming to be an expert chef by any means, especially with the ease of the stuff that I’ve been making, but that’s what makes it fun.  Ever since I started getting Everyday Food and watching Good Eats, I’ve been on this cooking binge.  Hopefully it’ll stick around because it is most definitely fun.  It’s unfortunate that the way I’ve scheduled my evenings that I can really only cook on weekends.  Oh well, save all the fun for the weekends I suppose. 

    Now if those darn apples would hurry up in the drier…

  • Cell Phone Consumer

    Nick Rogers got a cell phone the other day.  He apparantly broke the antennae off his old phone, rendering it useless.  Now, both of us got our phones at the same time, two years ago.  So, naturally, since my Verizon contract is up (man, it’s been two years already?), I started thinking about getting a new phone.  Nick got the Motorola V551, which is a nice phone.  Looking through all the features I started contemplating getting a new one.

    Some background.  When I bought my Samsung a310, it was one of the more top of the line phones.  I laid down some serious change for it.  Three months later, color screens dropped like a rock in price, camera phones and downloadable/changable ringers became the norm.  I then realized that spending that much money on a phone was rediculous.  Never will I spend that much money on a phone.  Now, the V551 is only $100 after MIR, which isn’t too bad. 

    However, when Nick and I actually went to the Cingular store, I started questioning purchasing it.  I then asked about the 1000 minutes deal for $39.99, but I was told it expired on the 15th.  The deal is getting less and less a better deal.  The saleslady then told me that the current $39.99 deal was 450 minutes.  Now, this is 150 minutes more than what I currently get with Verizon, plus I’d get Rollover minutes, but I never even come close to 300 minutes as it is.  Plus, I’m not dissatisfied with Verizon.  Arg

    Well, I ended up passing on the deal.  I mean, I don’t use half the features on my current phone, and it works.  Granted, it doesn’t have all the new features, nor is it a GSM phone, but I really can’t justify spending $100 MIR for stuff that I’ll probably never use and then only getting an additional 150 minutes.

    I’m so proud of myself, showing some constraint over this.  Maybe sometime soon I’ll feel the need to upgrade.