
  • Incredibly Frustrating

    I absolutely hate it when my tools to do a job don’t work.  Which makes it even worse, is when they work, then the putz out, and so on and so forth.  My work computer is doing such a thing, and being that it’s a tablet computer, there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it.  Of course talking to the tech support people, isn’t very reassuring.  Granted, the support people for Motion Computing, are leaps and bounds better than the outsourced help that HP has. 

    Motion Computing follows up on problems, HP doesn’t even call you back when they say they are going to.  Even after you called them back after they forgot to the first time.  It’s so annoying.  I just want it to work.  There is a simple fix for either of these problems I’ve been having.  Send me a new one.  That way, you can either properly fix the one I sent back in, or scrap it. 

    All I want is a tool the works, consistently.  Is this so much to ask?

    Well, I called back HP today, since they were supposed to call be back early in the week (2nd time they didn’t call me back).  The guy on the phone told me that they could send me a new Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) (the broken part that doesn’t actually feed any documents through) that it wouldn’t work, but they were getting close to a solution to the problem.  He then has the gall to ask me if I wanted to purchase and extended warranty.  I’m like, “You guys can’t even call me back TWICE, and you expect me to send you more free money?  How about now.”  I’m then put on hold for 20 minutes while he consults with someone or something on where to go from there.  He comes back and goes through some troubleshooting steps.  Steps that the first guy I talked to went through, plus I had gone through from the HP website, and have told them ALL that I went to the website and did it.  Well, I was at work, so I’m sure you can tell how well the troubleshooting went.  Anyways, he finally gives up and says that they’re going to send me a new ADF.  Didn’t he just say that it wouldn’t do any good?!  Sigh, at least it’s better than sitting on hold.  I figure, if it works, great, if not, I’ll just get my money back.  Of course, before we hang up, he asks about the extended warranty again.  I hate crap like that.  Who in their right mind is going to say yes, after they were just on the phone for 30 minutes, and at least two-thirds of it was on hold, or waiting for the person to do something?!

  • Nerds

    So, I officially sank to a new low of nerd this week.  As everyone probably knows, Halo 2 came out yesterday.  Well, since I’m such an Xbox fanboy, I snagged it.  Now, granted, I own very few xbox games, but I figured, Halo was so quality that I had to give props to Bungie and Microsoft and make the purchase.

    Now, the reason that this has made me reach a new level of nerd, is because I didn’t just wait to get it on Tuesday or pre-order it.  Oh no, I was out on Monday night at midnight picking it up.  First stop was the EBGames on campus.  Wow, that was mistake.  I got there around 11:30 to find a line that stretched from EBGames to Follett’s (for those of you unaware, that’s about a block).  However, being the resourceful person I am, I hadn’t gone on this Halo 2 journey alone.  Instead, a coworker went to Meijers, while I went to EB.  Turns out he was the line at Meijers.  Needless to say, out to Meijers I went. 

    Now, you may be thinking to yourself, “Wow, he is a nerd,” but just wait, because the story isn’t done.  I then headed back to my apt and played till about 3am. 

    “Damn, 3am, what about work the next day?”

    Already taken care of, since I took Tuesday off to play with some friends and coworkers.  We had a projector for 2 of us, and a large screen tv for the other 2.  We also ordered a Jimmy John’s sub platter and had a good ol’ time.  It was crazy how fast the day actually passed.

    Overall, I’m very impressed with the game.  The graphics are top notch, and they added a bunch of cool stuff (like throwing someone out of a vehicle while it’s going, weilding two guns at the same time, etc).  It has definitely lived up to the hype.  Now I just need to take the time to beat it and watch all the cutscenes, since we weren’t really watching the cutscenes while playing co-op.

    Yet another game that I need to beat on the Xbox.  This past weekend, I really got into Fable as I waited on stuff being reconfigured on my server.  Good times indeed.

  • Concedes

    According to the Associated Press and MSNBC, Senator Kerry did the right thing and conceded to W.

    This means it’s all over then, right?  There’s no point in any large fiasco, and we can all get on with our lives.  Kerry, you did the right thing, and I just want to say thank you.

  • Greatest Civilization

    Between todays post over at Office Jabber and the election going on, it really got me thinking how we as a people managed to make it this far.  Now, I’m sure you can figure how the Office Jabber post fits in to this topic, but you may be wondering about the election.  Well, I guess it’s because this is the first year I’ve actually voted in a booth.  The last election I was in school so I did an absentee ballot.  However, after actually going in and punching the card, I really have to ask myself, “How did all those people in FL have such a hard time?”  I mean, seriously, you go to where the arrow is and you put the puncher in the hole.  If people really can’t handle this, how are they functioning in their daily life?

    So, both of these events got me wondering how in the world have we gotten where we have?  Is it just because we’ve been relying on the great people to further us, or has it really been a group effort?  I mean, common sense and knowledge isn’t even common anymore (or was it ever?). 

    Bah, oh well, maybe it’s just me?

  • Illinois-Indiana Loop

    It all started Friday after work (I actually left work late, which I didn’t want to do).  I got home, packed a bag with two days worth of clothes, filled up the water bottle, swung by the Speedway, and hit the road.  First stop was Chicago.

    I needed to go there because my suit, which I had previously picked out, finally had arrived and I needed to get it fitted.  So, I had given Ann a call a few days back and said that I was going to be up in the area, and if she was up to anything and if I could crash on her couch Friday night.  Amazingly, it took me exactly two hours to get to her place, just north of downtown.  We then hung out a bit, and then hit a dive bar with her roommate and her boyfriend.  The next morning Ann and I headed out to Schaumburg so I could try on my suit.  While we were out there, we were going to stop by Ikea so she could look for a bed (currently she uses an inflatable twin size mattress).  The suit fitting was good, but the pants were way too huge, so they’re going to have to remove material.  This means another trip to get the pant length altered.  Oh well, not a problem.  However, I was overcharged $100 on the suit.  I still need to call back up there and get that resolved.  We then hit Ikea.  Oh, Ikea.  Talk about the worst place to be on a Saturday in Schaumburg.  Anyways, they didn’t have the bed frame she wanted in stock.  We couldn’t have fit it in her car anyways, and shipping was $100, ouch.

    Overall, the trip to Schaumburg, total bust.  We went back to her place, I got all my stuff together, and then it was off to Fort Wayne, IN.

    According to Michael, I got there “too early.”  The whole reason I was going to Fort Wayne was because of his engagement party, but that didn’t start until 8pm, and I had arrived at 5:30.  Well, this got me an invite to the dinner where Michael’s and his fianc

  • Virtualization

    Alright, for those of you that don’t appreciate being a nerd, please feel free to stop reading this post.  For the rest of you…

    At the last DS meeting, we had a presentation by VMWare.  Now, I use VMWare Workstation to do a lot of my MSI development and testing.  Granted, I could use the University site licensed version of Virtual PC, but VMWare is just better.  So anyways, I was very intrigued by what they were going to talk to us about, especially with the recent release of Virtual Server from Microsoft.

    Personally, I had never used either companies server solution, but because of my previously reported problems with Virtual PC, Virtual Server already left a bad taste in my mouth (turns out that virtual server is leaps and bounds better than PC, but still, old habits are hard to break).  The meeting was, as I expected, mostly centered around their server products: GSX and ESX.  Now, you can go read about each one from the links listed, but in general, what it comes down to is that GSX is an application that runs on a host operating system while ESX is the host operating system.  Talk about awesome. 

    Lets take a step back for those of you that are new to virtual machines a second and tell you what this means.  What all of these applications do is run a virtual computer on another computer.  So, for instance with my MSI testing, I have my normal Windows XP installation, and then on top of that I have VMWare Workstation that runs a virtual computer inside of it.  It has it’s own hard drive (which is actually just a file), sound card, video card, network card, bios, etc.  For testing, this is a must have.  The server class products add a bit more: ability to easily have multiple workstations running at the same time, a nice management window, web management, etc.  For those that are familiar to Solaris back when NT4 was a big seller, may remember add-on cards you could purchase that would run NT4 in a Solaris window.  This is the same kind of thing, only it’s done completely in software instead of hardware.  Similar to the workstation products, both Virtual Server and GSX Server run on top of an operating system as an application (Linux, Windows).  Now, ESX Server removes the host operating system all together and interfaces right with the hardware.  This is where VMWare really shines because this reduces the overhead of GSX server by around half since there isn’t a middle OS messing with things.  This means that Virtual Machines can share memory, and not be bogged down with whatever is happening with the host OS. 

    Well, I know you’re all wondering how this all applies to me.  After seeing that presentation, I was very excited about trying to play with ESX.  Needless to say, that was a bust, you can’t even download a trial version from their website.  However, you can grab GSX server to give it a whirl.  So, is now running totally on virtual servers.  I’ve been needing to do some stuff to my server anyways because of all the problems I’ve been having with it, so I figured this would be a great way to do it while learning a bunch. 

    It was a snap to setup, I actually did it all on my tablet.  I got GSX server installed on it, and then built the 2 machines from there.  I then migrated all the stuff from what was currently running on the main server to the virtual servers.  Once everything was migrated, I wiped the physical server and installed a fresh OS on it, then put GSX on there.  I then powered down the 2 virtual servers on my tablet, and moved the hard drive files over to the real server, then powered it up.  It was so easy.  Plus, since my real server is a dual P3, it’s actually using both processors now (one for each virtual server).  The only problem I’m having right now is getting access to a physical disk in on of the virtual servers, but that’s because it was a Windows Dynamic Disk, and VMWare doesn’t support those.  All in all, a fairly painless process, plus yet another thing to add under my belt.

  • Links Alive!

    I finally got my links page working like I want.  Instead of being a flat file, all the links listed are actually entries in ExpressionEngine.  This way it is easy for me to update them.  Also, I’ve created a working blogroll for sites (see the side bar), since this was also done by hand before.  Yay!

    Also, you may have noticed (if you actually view my site) that I’ve taken down the google ads on the main page, and have replaced them with an ad for Child’s Play.  This is a great charity started by the guys over at Penny Arcade to help children’s hospitals.  Now, I’m not making anything from the link (ha, like I make anything from the google ads), but I’d appreciate it if you guys could help them out, or at least spread the word.  Thanks

  • Roasting

    Here I am, sitting in my office sweating with the windows open and the window mounted A/C units running.  And people wonder why the University doesn’t have any money.  Maybe it’s because they don’t spend a little money initially, only to blow wads of cash later.  All I’m asking for is a simple thermostat, but I suppose that’s what I get for being forced to work in an old dormitory.  Oh well, it won’t last much longer…

  • Holy Downtime Batman

    Wow, so some of you may have noticed that the website (and affiliated sites) have been up, down, and all around this week.  I wish I could say that it wasn’t entirely my fault, but, well, actually lets say that.  Monday and Tuesday it was down in the mornings because the backups that were running at night were hanging the server.  Why, I couldn’t tell you, but it was.  I thought I had it all fixed last night, then this morning I go into work and it was down again.  This time I knew it wasn’t the backups because I didn’t have them run last night.  So, I waste my lunch running home and seeing what’s going on.  Turns out the power flicked off and screwed up the router so it was hanging on limbo.  I thought I had gotten everything taken care of and then went back to work.  Of course, I get to work, and sure enough, still doesn’t work.  Arg.  Turns out my IP address changed and my program that checks my IP and auto-updates Zone Edit had the old password instead of the new one.  So, of course it couldn’t update my name servers.

    Talk about a comedy of errors.  It actually got so bad that my dad emailed me and asked why my site had been down.  I’m actually working on fixing a few things this weekend that will, hopefully, keep a lot of these problems from happening.  We’ll see how that goes though.  Playing with virtual machines makes things so much more fun and interesting, being that I only have one machine here to play with.

  • Biodiesel

    It’s been awhile since I’ve talked about Biodiesel, so I think now is a good time.  Anyways, the pursuit of making biodiesel has taken a back seat lately because of the lack of space in my apartment.  Plus, there’s the fact that the neighbors may think I’m making a meth lab or something. 

    However, this weekend Maria “Mark” Alovert came through town, and I couldn’t say no.  So yesterday, I headed over to a fellow biodiesel enthusiasts house and had the class.  A lot of it was basically a review of what I already new.  Yet, we actually made some biodiesel, and she went through a bunch of tests that we should run on our own batches.

    Damn, it was almost too easy.  I can’t believe I was actually waiting to make it.  Now, since it’s gotten colder, I’m probably going to start making smaller batches until I get it down to a sience, then start blending it in with regular diesel.  I figure any little bit will help, and this way I’ll be all set for when I setup my own large processor.

    It’ll be nice, someday, to not have to pay $2+ a gallon, and superior fuel.