
  • Fall Days

    What wonderful weather we’ve been having.  Rainy, windy, cold.  Talk about a typical fall day where you just want to curl up next to the fire with a bowl of chili.  It’s quite funny walking around campus because you still see the people wearing shorts and tshirts.  It’s as though their mommies had to remind them to take a coat with them when it started to get chilly, and now that they’re here, they simply don’t.  Walking up and down the Quad watching them shiver always makes me chuckle on the inside.

    The nice thing about these kinds of days, though, is that I can use my heated seats.  It’s great, because my car takes forever to heat up.  Since it’s a diesel, I simply can’t let it idle for a bit to warm up.  Now, since I’ve been parking aways from where my office is, I’ve been putting my coat on the passenger seat and turning on the seat warmer.  Then it feels like my coat just came out of the drier when I put it on.  Makes the walk much more enjoyable.  Now, if only they’d add a heating coil to the steering wheel.

  • Fire Sale

    Much like Aaron Binford did with his CDs, I’m selling mine on  Since I’ve been using my Thank You Rewards to buy CDs, I’ve essentially been getting them free.

    Now, selling CDs in and of itself isn’t normally a big deal, and there’s no way I’d be posting about it.  However, I have one cd that is apparantly quite collectable.  It appears as if my Tool – Salival box set isn’t being sold anymore, and people are marking them up slightly.  Hopefully it’ll sell!

    Oh yeah, for things like this, I highly recommend using  They do take a little more out for them, but you get reimbursed for shipping and you get a ton of views.  I mean, not 10 minutes after I posted an item, it was sold.  There’s $90 in my pocket.  Plus, I undercut everyone else selling, so that may help too 🙂

    Alright, someone actually bought the Salival CD for $90.  Talk about a sucker.  Man, there sure are moron’s out there.

  • Strummable Music Maker

    Well, after playing the piano and a few other instruments, I’ve decided to finally learn how to play guitar.  This was actually spurred on by my boss.  The other day we were out eating lunch, and he asked me if I played.  I told him that I didn’t, but it has always been on my “to do” list.  Well, I need a good release lately, so I’ve decided a good time is now.  However, that still requires me to actually aquire a guitar.  I was talking to Aaron about guitars the other day, and he pointed out the Takamine GS330S.  To me, it’s all foreign, but through the reviews, it appears to be a good guitar.

    So, Colleen and I went out to lunch the other day, and I mentioned that I was looking at getting a guitar.  Well, she has a guitar and it’s just sitting at her Mom or Dad’s place, so she offered to sell it.  It’s quite tempting, but like I said earlier, it depends on how much since I have no idea the difference between guitar A and guitar B.  Granted, this isn’t like me to not know the differences between something I’m going to buy.  I just really don’t have the time to actually find out the main differences, plus I’m just learning, so the best doesn’t really matter.  Just get me something I can play and I’ll be a happy camper.

    Hopefully I get one or the other soon, since this phase my move out quickly.

  • Friday Night

    Well, just got home from the Matt Nathanson concert at the Canopy Club.  For those of you who don’t know who Matt Nathanson is, go buy his CD.

    When I first got there, I was disappointed that Matt Fish wouldn’t be accompanying him, but instead a full band.  After going to see Howie Day with a band, I wasn’t enthused.  However, I was more than amazed at this concert.  Matt is just an excellent entertainer.  Even if you aren’t a huge fan of his music, I’d still recommend going to see him live.  He’s hilarious and he knows how to entertain a crowd.  Be it jokes, pointing out people in the audience, playing covers, or just having a good time on stage, the man knows what he’s doing. 

    Plus, I got to meet him after the show!  I happened to park on the street behind the Canopy Club on Oregon, and since Matt and crew were in a rush to get to Chicago for tomorrow nights show, he didn’t do his normal meet and greet in the lobby.  Instead, he just happened to be behind the Canopy Club next to my car.  Needless I needed to say hi.  There were a few other people back there (maybe 3 or 4), and they were all getting his autograph and having pictures taken.  Well, I didn’t have a camera, and I could care less about autographs.  However, I know that Colleen likes autographs (she has one from John Mayer), plus she wanted to come to the concert but couldn’t because of work.  Now, being the good guy that I am :coolsmile:, asked Matt for his autograph and to make it out to Colleen because she had to work and couldn’t make it to the show.  Matt wrote her a little note, and then signed it.  Now I just need to get it laminated for her.

    Oh well, it’s late, I need to go to bed…

  • It’s Back

    Well, Colleen’s Place is back.  Got a call yesterday asking for the resurrection.  Unfortunately, it’s been so long that all the old data is gone :down:, but we can look forward to nothing but great posts (hopefully).  Enjoy!

  • The Multiple Sides of Me

    It strange how I handle different parts of my life.  It’s as though I am two totally different people when it comes to both work and…the rest of my life. 

    At work I’m very dedicated and outspoken.  I want people to hear what I say, and I’m not going to sit back and just do nothing.  Even when I don’t feel as if it’s going to really change anything, I still want my voice heard.  I want to be a part of everything, so that I can try to evaluate everything.  It’s like I’m always thinking about the big picture, even when I’m just a “peon.”  However, unlike a lot of people in my position, I don’t want to just float through.  To me, that’s normal and how it should be.  Unfortunately lots of people don’t think that way.

    Now, my personal life, is just about the opposite.  I keep to myself, am shy, and don’t usually say anything about various topics, even though I may feel as if I have a good point.  When I go out with people, I’m definitely not the one that starts randomly talking to others outside of my group, nor am I the one that adds to a political debate between people.  With respect to politics and things of that nature, it’s not like I don’t have anything to say, or to add, it’s just that I don’t want to bother.  Maybe it’s just because I see the futility of discussing/arguing about those types of things when no one is going to change.

    How can this be?  How can I be so different between work and social?  It’s like I’m a totally different person when I leave the office.  It definitely makes me question why, and wonder how things would be different if I was more like I am at work while I’m at home.  I think it would be a startling difference.

  • Birthdays Everywhere!

    First I want to wish a Happy Birthday to my dad.  He’s old! 🙂

    Secondly, I want to wish a Happy Birthday to Lori Rogers of the famed, Those Rogers.

  • Another Waste

    This post/rant will be surrounding an interesting British Reuters article.

    Can anybody else point out what’s wrong with what this article says, or is it just me?  Since when is television a right and not a privilege?  Why is the government spending money to give everyone, essentially, access to TV.  Granted, the article does explain why they are doing it, but I still fail to see why it’s the government’s problem to provide access to the latest and greatest technologies to those that can’t afford it.  Cut off the old airwaves, reap your bagillions in selling the spectrum to commercial wireless services and emergency uses, and be done with it.  I mean, don’t we have other things, more extreme social problems, than people not being able to watch TV?  Hell, if Senator McCain (R) can’t think of any, I’m sure I could come up with a few.

    Note to McCain, the world will continue to function if people can’t watch TV.  Doesn’t it just rot your brain anyways?

  • Driving Courtesies

    Maybe driving is a thing.  I mean, Bree just had an entry about it, and now I will too.

    First off, I don’t care if you’re the only person on the interstate, you do not need your hi-beams on.  I mean, seriously, is this so much to ask?  I love the people that have them on, and then “forget” to turn them off after you pass.  It’s almost tempting to turn off the cruise, slow down, get behind them, and let them know what it feels like.

    Speaking of cruise, learn how to use it.  For the love of god people, it’s there for a reason, and that reason is not to just be there.  I suppose I’m super-addicted to cruise control.  I use it whenever I’m on the interstate.  As long as I can keep a steady speed, it’s on.  Just when I went up to Fort Wayne this weekend, I used it the whole way, even while driving through Indy.  Granted, it came off a lot more then, but still. 

    I can’t fathom what goes through people’s heads that don’t use cruise.  I had a truck without it, my driving life was miserable.  So much so in fact that I barely left Champaign-Urbana because it was such a pain.  Nothing like having your leg fall asleep because you have to keep pushing the gas.  Plus there’s the fact that whenever I would hit a hill I’d have to watch the speedometer that much more carefully, especially when there were people around.  I always felt like a tool when I just passed someone, then hit a hill and slowed down a little, only to have the person I just passed, pass me.  Plus, it’s just annoying to constantly go, slow down, go, slow down, go, etc.  That’s supposedly the beauty of the interstate, it’s not city stop and go driving.  You’re supposed to be able to maintain a specific speed the whole way.  However, without cruise that makes it next to impossible.

    I think I can summarize with:

    If you’re not using cruise control, you’re not only doing a disservice to yourself, but everyone around you.

  • How Sweet I Smell

    What’s up wth all the scented stuff these days?  The reason this comes up is because I was in my friend’s fiance’s car and we had a little war with various scents that were in it. 

    Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy not smelling rank, but when is enough enough?  I mean, you have a different smell for your clothes (actually, multiple different smells because of detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets), the scent of your shampoo/conditioner, body wash, purfume, etc.  After awhile, is it just me, but doesn’t it give you a headache?

    Granted, I am male, so I most definitely have a different perspective on this than some of you.  However, I don’t think it’s just delimited to gender.  In my house (both apt and parent’s place) there aren’t 80 different spray bottles sitting around for aroma’s.  Hell, I don’t have, and I don’t think my parents have, a bottle of even Febreeze to cover up any odors. 

    It does make me curious why some people have such a devotion to smells.