
  • Bummer of a Summer

    Well, summer is officially over and as proclaims the Traverse City Record Eagle, it was a Bummer of a Summer.  However, everytime I got up there, including this past weekend, it was beautiful.  Granted, I only made it up there twice this year, but let me tell you, I can pick the weekends to go! 

    It’s always a good time up there.  Chillin with the fam, blasting old ladies with tennis balls on the tennis courts, running through the old cherry orchards, putzing around on the float boat, eating like kings.  What’s not to like?

    When I go up, I meet my parents in Grand Rapids, MI and then we carpool up to Leland, MI.  Now, we went up on Friday and came back on Monday.  Needless to say, on the way home, I wanted to avoid the I-80/I-94 Interchange mess, especially with all the returning Labor Day traffic.  Instead, I took every back country road I possibly could through IN.  I left Grand Rapids at 5pm CST, and didn’t make it home until 11:30pm CST.  When I was going up to Grand Rapids, it only took me 4 hours.  Needless to say, the trip home took a little bit more time.  However, who knows how long I would have been backed up in Chicago.

    Taking the back roads really makes you appreciate interstates.  I was on the best state roads IN had to offer too: IN-25 and IN-231.  Just the fact that you have to drive through every small town, and consequently have to slow down is enough to drive you mad.  Add to the fact that it’s raining and that the road had just been repaved and the lines hadn’t been repainted, added to the fun.  Let me tell you how nerve-racking it is trying to pass someone when you have no clue where the passing lane starts and stops in the dark and rain.

    It was definitely an adventure though, and the fact that it only took 1 tank of gas both ways (~650 miles) makes it that much sweeter.  I’d definitely want to have a companion in the car next time I do it though, that’s for sure.

  • Work

    As a coworker said today: 

    “I thought u were gonna be liek the BRC bought this toaster and although there is an AD account for the toaster, the GPO has the security filtering set wrong, and there’s this SHITTY ldap code that doesnt handle recursion of groups… so NO ONE can toast their fucking english muffing and we’re about to be paged about it.”


    It’s funny because it’s true.

  • Boring Weekends

    Well, ever since Colleen and I broke up, I haven’t been doing a lot of social things on my own time, other than working out to pass the time.  This leads me to the last part of an entry that Bree wrote awhile ago; How am I supposed to meet new people to hang out with?  It seems as if everyone in this town around my age is either married or in college.  And all the people I knew from college are gone (or I just broke up with them). 

    Heck, even a group to go out with to the bars or something would be nice.  Currently when I do go out, it’s with people from work.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the people I work with, but I’m with them all day already.  I kinda need some time away from work and work people.  Plus, whenever you go out to the bars with people you work with, conversation naturally turns to work for some time. 

    I’ve been thinking about going to the bars by myself, but that sounds too depressing.  I need a group or at least someone else. 

    What do other people do?  Even for people to just hang out with, is there a plan of attack, or should I just go with the flow?

  • MySQL Administrator

    Well, for those of you in the blogging community, many of you use MySQL as your DB back end.  Unfortunately, MySQL sucks in many ways (although the price is nice).  One way is general administration.  In order to do any administration on the db, you would have to use the Command Line Interface (CLI).  Now, I’m a fan of the CLI for a lot of things, but without intimate knowledge of a program, you end up with your nose in the documentation more than actually doing anything.  Thankfully, I friend of mine came across a great little program that makes administration of MySQL a lot better.  You can checkout what I’m talking about here.  If you think you may be interested in it, go for the straight download page (MySQL’s webpage sucks for navigation now, so you may just want to use both of those links).

    Adding users isn’t a pain anymore, backups aren’t a pain anymore, viewing logs aren’t a pain anymore, seeing permissions aren’t a pain anymore.  It’s just another piece that MySQL needed.

  • Jetta Modifications

    Well, I’ve already done my first “mod” on my Jetta.  Took me all of about 10 minutes to do.  My kind of mod.  What I did was called a Ventectomy.  What it does is increase your fuel tank by about 2 gallons, or, with my car, adds an additional 100 miles to your tank.  From the link above, you can see that you remove the venting mechanism of the gas tank.  Normally, in a gas car, when you fill up, this venting area is used because of the expansion and volitility of gas.  What this extra 2 gallon area does, is prevent your gas cap from blowing off during driving or while it’s sitting in the sun.  However, diesel doesn’t exhibit these features, so that extra 2 gallon tank goes to waste. 

    In all actuallity, I didn’t have to remove the pieces, you can just press the button back as you fill up (preferably with the nozzle, because diesel is dirty).  However, this just makes it way easier.  Instead of having the little nub sticking out into the fuel line, there’s what looks like just another tube. 

    With this mod, my tank will hold the same, if not a little more than my truck used to.  Ought to be interesting to be comparing them directly on tank size.  When I didn’t go on the freeways at all, I was lucky to get 300 miles to a tank with the truck.  I should easily be able to double that now. 

    Speaking of gas mileage, the car has been awesome.  I’ve been averaging around 44mpg.  However, this last fillup, I didn’t do such a great job.  I only got 38mpg, my lowest yet.  This could be due to almost total city driving though.  No matter what, though, it’s way better than my truck was in about every single way.

  • Cleaning Aftermath

    So, as I said in the previous post, I did some cleaning this weekend.  Well, sure enough, I got to the dreaded xmas light drawer.  All the xmas lights I have, were just kinda shoved in there when I moved, and talk about a mess.  Well, my dad had a great idea a few years back to fix mess.  So, I went to Lowe’s and bought a carboard tube.  You know, the ones used for cement posts.  Well, I grabbed the smallest diameter one I could find, and then wrapped the xmas lights around it.  Now, I can plug in individual strands to see if they’re working, plus they aren’t in a tangled mess anymore.  Ahh, so much better.

  • Cleaning Treasures

    This is about the first weekend I’ve been at home since Colleen and I broke up.  Needless to say I do the vast majority of apt cleaning during the weekends.  As you can imagine, it was beginning to become quite a pigsty.  The worst room, by far, was the extra bedroom/office, just because I’ve had almost no reason to do anything in there since I don’t have a computer in there or anything. 

    Well, today was the day to do what I’ve been putting off by going on vacation and climbing the last few weeks.  It’s more or less of a spring cleaning in that room too, because there is stuff from when I originally moved here that I still hadn’t gone through completely.  Well, of course, I run into something from Colleen.  In fact it was a card that says, “…This past year has been great.  Hope we last for a long time.”  Talk about pulling the strings.

    Well, off to finishing things up.  Just needed to take a break.  Throwing away stuff is about as fun as buying stuff.

  • Incentive?

    Why exactly should I work so hard when, no matter how hard I try, I’m rewarded exactly the same as people who work half as hard?

  • Run Free

    So, we all know that elections are coming up, and if you haven’t registered to vote yet, get your ass in gear.  Hell, you don’t even have to leave your house to do it anymore.  You can register online here, here, or here.  Now, there is absolutely no reason you shouldn’t register.  Just make sure that you follow through and make your voice heard.  VOTE!

  • Leafy Toadstools

    The other day someone asked me why I blogged.  At the time, I really couldn’t think of any real compelling answer.  Since I’m utterly bored right now, and I have absolutely nothing planned, I thought I’d take some time to maybe, evolve my answer a bit more.

    When I first started it was more for a learning experience.  At the time, I hadn’t really thought of what I wanted out of it, I more or less wanted to get a “web presence” up and running.  Plus, I also wanted some sort of personal email that I could use.  Therefore, I at least needed a domain.  And, well, since I’ve got a domain, I might as well put a website up on it.  However, I really didn’t have any content to put on the website, except for my daily adventures.

    So that’s how it began.  From there it hasn’t really changed much.  I’ve just been telling you how I see it. 

    Another thing that he asked was if it was some kind of voyeristic thing.  At first I didn’t understand what he was talking about, but then he explained that the reading into someone’s life.  Now, I admit, some people plaster everything about themselves on their sites, but I can tell you this is not the case with me.  I admit that I enjoy reading other people’s blogs, particularly people that I know, but some people go a little too far in what they write.

    Oh yeah, plus this serves as a great way for people, such as my parents, to keep up to date with what I do, since I don’t talk to them daily.  At some point, I’ll also expand the website to include other things that I’m working on, but as of right now, this s what works for me.  Plus, I actually seem to enjoy it more than what I used to.  I suppose it’s because I don’t have Colleen to keep me busy anymore.  I do miss her. A lot.