
  • One Way Around $2 A Gallon?

    So, I was reading my RSS agregator today, and I stubled upon this article over at Wired.  Now, upon closer examination, I was amazed to see how easy it actually was to make biodiesel.  And to think that using straight biodiesel is better for your car, better for the environment, AND is less than half the price of a gallon of unleaded. 

    It was great to read more about exactly how to make biodiesel in your house from one of the links in the above article.  Definitely a possibility as I’ll be looking for a new car sometime in the future.  Hopefully my current car will last until I turn 25 though.  That way I could get a new car AND have lower insurance rates!

    Speaking of my car, I walked out this morning to find my windshield cracked.  The other day I saw some of the neighbor kids throwing around a baseball near where it was parked.  It looks as if something hard hit it (while it was parked no less) right below the windshield wiper.  I’ve sort of deduced it was probably them, but I don’t know them, and anyways, how would you approach somebody about something like that?  Especially if you don’t have any proof?  Argh.  What really bugs me is that the windshield on my hella cheap truck, is very expensive.  I’m not looking forward to replacing that.  Maybe I just won’t, who knows.  I’m thinking about putting a mark where the fingers of the crack currently are to see if it’s actually growing.  However, it has split my windshield right in half, since one of the fingers goes all the way to the top.  Oh well, another perk of renting.

  • Almost There…

    As you can see, has been migrated to Expression Engine.  There are a few quirks with the import, but after Paul from EE got it working for me, I was able to easily import everything from Movable Type. 

    As you can tell (depending on the browser you’re using) the main page doesn’t necissarily like to render correctly.  Under Firefox, Mozilla, etc, it seems to be working ok, but under IE sometimes you get the side bar, and sometimes you don’t (joy).  I guess that’s ok for now though, since I’m most likely going to redo the templates anyways.  I more or less wanted to get off MT as fast as possible because of the lovely error you got while leaving comments. 

    On the backend,  things all run from one instance now (or at least they will be).  Currently everything is all set for all the other websites to be migrated.  I just need to export their entries, and import them into the new system.  All in all, it hasn’t been nearly as much work as I thought it would be. 

    Just so everyone’s aware, the site seems to be loading slowly.  Once I get all the websites moved over to the new system, I should be able to deal with it.  I have an idea as to why it is, but I’ll have to play with it some to find out the true reasons.

    Also, you may notice some bugs, etc with the new site.  PLEASE let me know if you find anything.

    ***Updated*** I found the problem.  In my last post I put the div tag part in brackets, just like you do in html.  Needless to say, ie tried to render the page with that extra div tag.  All is well now 🙂

  • Beta Testing Is Over

    Well, the beta testing for the new backend.  We’ll be using ExpressionEngine, and hopefully there’ll just be one setup with it (currently each blog has it’s own mt installation).  This will just make things much easier for me. 

    This weekend this site will most likely get migrated.  It all depends on how much time I spend making up new templates for the site.  I have an idea on how I want it to look, and I know how I’m going to do it.  It’s just actually doing it now.  The new site will be soley based on CSS, in much the same way that CSS Zen Garden is done.  Basically what this means is that the html will contain no tables or anything.  It will simply be straight text that’s been divided up by div tags.  This way, changing the website will take all of 2 seconds to do.  All I have to do is change the CSS behind the scenes and presto! new website.

  • See Ya Movable Type

    Well, since my upgrade to MT 3.0D hosed comments for the most part, I’ve been looking at other blogging options.  There’s also the fact that, theoretically, I’d have to pay for MT with the blogs I have.  I’ve since posted to MT’s website about my problems with comments.  Needless to say, I haven’t recieved any help.  Also, there’s the fact that there’s no place to download 2.661 anymore, eventhough 3.0 is still beta.  Yes, that’s right, you can’t download a stable release of mt anymore.  Plus, there’s no way to downgrade from 3.0D to 2.661.  The only way I can really do it, is to export my entries, delete the db, recreate the db, reinstall 2.661, and then import my entries.  Needless to say, all my site setup and preferences are gone then.  So, basically I’m going to leave what I currently have up and running until I can decided on what to migrate to. 

    So far I’ve looked at Greymatter, WordPress, and ExpressionEngine.  Greymatter just plain sucks.  WordPress has potential, but as of right now, the one I enjoy the most is definitely ExpressionEngine.  The only downside to that is that it’s not free.  Currently I’m running a 14 day trial version of it at 

    Arg, decisions.  There’s currently a few problems with ExpressionEngine, like that it won’t let me import my MT entries, but I’m sure it’s just a bug.  Oh well, MT has left a very bad taste in my mouth, and I just want to get off it right now.

  • Upgraded

    Well, is now running version MT version 3.0.

    **Updated** It looks as if comments are seriously fubared.  You can create a comment, and hit post.  You WILL get an error, however it seems to be saving the comments.  The main page doesn’t seem to be updating the number of comments listed until after I rebuild the main page.  All of the websites seems to be having this problem…joy.

  • Moving Out

    First of all, Colleen I’m sorry if you don’t want me putting this on my website, but I want to hear what other people think about this.  Ok, now on to the goods.

    So, yesterday, Colleen came home and told me she isn’t living with me in the fall.  Of course, I thought she was kidding.  Well, it turns out she’s actually made her final decision.  I think all that remains is for her to sign the lease.  She apparantly is going to live with a girl she knows from work. 

    What I want to know from people that actually read this blog is, is should I be worried?  She keeps telling me that it’s not because she doesn’t want to be with me, or that she wants to breakup or anything like that.  According to her, she just wants some space to be on her own.  However, I can’t help but feel as if this is her way of just getting more space, so that a breakup isn’t as painful.  We would slowly stop seeing each other as much, and then poof, it’s done.  Only nobody ends up crying nearly as much because we’ve grown apart into our own lives.  Obviously if we lived together it would be a royal pain to breakup, but does the end of our lease on August 1st give her a way out?

    She also mentions that it would be cheaper for her to live with her friend.  Yes, rent is going to be cheaper, but she’ll have to start paying all the household bills then, since I do them now.  I mean, she may save $50 a month on the numbers she gave me, but whatever.

    I’m really hurt about this, but she keeps telling me that I shouldn’t be.  Should I be?

  • Movable Type 3.0

    There seems to be some changes coming down the pike for Movable Type.  With version 3.0, they are going to require you to purchase their software to get the same functionality as you had in 2.661 and below.  Now, there is a free version, but according to their website, with the free version you won’t get support, you won’t be able to have them install it for you (you’d have to pay for that normally), you don’t have access to fee-based services (like I’d use that anyways), no promotion of your weblog via their recently updated list, no commercial use, no more than one author and 3 weblogs (ruh roh).  You can see the list here.  It’s in a banner on the right hand side that says, “Movable Type Free.”

    Now, everything in that list is ho-hum to me, except for the only 1 author.  For those of you not aware of how things work here at, each weblog is running it’s own self-contained version of movable type.  This allows me to use my own search template since search templates are shared across all weblogs that use the installation of movable type.  Also, each weblog has (at least) 2 authors.  One of them is me, so that I can get everything setup and then the other person is the owner of the blog.  Now I’m sure most of you are seeing why 3.0 may screw me, err my weblog owners, over. 

    Now, I could purchase the software (and get my weblog owners to help chip in), which would get me the ability to have 5 authors and 5 weblogs.  However, I felt that it would be a good idea to test out their free version to see how crippled it actually was.  You can see the fruits of that labor at my test site.  I simply made a new database in mysql, exported this website’s tables and then imported them into the new database.  This way I was able to get an exact copy of this website.  Since there’s only one author on this website (me), I had to create a new author after the upgrade to 3.0 was completed.  As you can see, both aaron and rebelpeon were able to post news.  Yes, that means that there are 2 authors on that particular weblog.

    It seems odd that they, in essence, lie to you while purchasing.  Think of all the websites that won’t take the time to actually test this like I did.  Talk about a sleazy way of making money.  I don’t know if this a simple mistake, or not.  It is also possible that I’m not dealing with a final, final version.  However, they had a complete website design touting 3.0, so I’m assuming I’m using final code. 

    Enough with the movable type bashing, lets move on to some of the improvements.  The biggest one is the comments.  You can leaving commenting the same (which is probably safe for the vast majority of our little weblog sites), or you can force people to register with TypeKey, then log in to leave comments.  You can have comments automatically posted, or you can screen them first.  There is also a new section where you can list and edit comments, just like you can entries.  I can see the benefit of this, but I can also see the abuse, especially with politically motivated websites.  The easy of editing posts may overcome some…  If TypeKey is being used, you can have a listing of commenters who have posted on your website.  You get such information as status, name, date registered, etc.  I’m not exactly sure how this all works (need to test it), but it may be the same as a profile for the website.  This could be what I’m looking for on my website, so people don’t have to look at categories that bore them. 

    There is also a new trackback section.  I personally am not a fan of trackbacks, but some people swear by them.  I suppose it’s because I’m not linking to websites that talk about similar things all the time.  Anyways, you get a list off all the trackbacks.  Once again, you can edit and list just like entries have always been and comments have just become. 

    Another nice feature that I sort of just stumbled upon, was if you log into movable type, the click on the view site, then do a search on your website, you can actually edit posts right from there.  This is an added feature, since there’s not really a search feature for entries while logged in.  This way, if you don’t happen to remember the post off the top of your head, you can simply do a search to find your website.  Talk about a random find though. 

    Finally when you’re logged in, the look is different.  The same categories are there, but it has a much more fresh look.  There isn’t as many images to load (which may be beneficial to some), so actually logging in is faster, etc.  I enjoy the new look much better than the last.  It’s also not as blocky and big.

    I’m sure there’s a lot more features that I’m simply not using or seeing yet.  If I were to actually look through the change log I’d probably see more things that have changed that I actually use, but what’s the fun in that 🙂

    I will probably move over to the new system sometime in the next few weeks.  It changes some database tables, so I want to be absolutely sure when I want to go, since it will be a pain to get it back.  After makes the switch, I’ll slowly be moving the other sites too.  So, if you happen to log in one day and notice it looks a little different, that’s why 🙂

  • Xbox Media Center

    I normally keep fairly up to date with releases of Xbox Media Center (xbmc), but lately I haven’t been because I found a version (the build released on January 5th) that was stable, and did everything I wanted to.  All I can say, is, DAMN!  I downloaded the latest release as of 2 days ago (the May 9th release I believe).

    First of all, they’ve gotten rid of the same skin they’ve been using as the default for a long time.  It’s not that I wasn’t a fan of the old skin, but this new one is so much more polished. 

    Second of all, the smb streaming is absolutely perfect for me.  However, that may be because of the new router that actually doesn’t reduce the speeds to the xbox to 1Mbps.  I’ll talk about my new router a little later though, because I don’t want to give it intensely glowing reviews, and then have something stupid happen a day later 🙂

    And finally, the greatest feature I think they ever could’ve added, is the addition of an http server.  Now, you may be thinking, why the hell would they do that?  Well, all I can say is, this http server allows you to control whatever xbmc is playing.  Yes, that’s right, you could essentially hook up your xbox to a reciever, speakers, and a network connection.  Granted, not all features are currently supported via the website, but you can easily add things to your queue, etc. 

    Now, the reason I think this is so damn cool, is that in my office, ever since we moved out the noisy rack, we contemplated getting some sort of jukebox setup that we could all connect to and add tracks to, etc.  This way we don’t all have to wear headphones, or have 5 different songs playing in the background.  A modded xbox is now a possible solution to our problem.  We could all add whatever songs you want to listen to to the playlist.  There are still a few things that would need to be tweaked (like deleting stuff that’s currently in the playlist, etc).  This is the exact sort of solution that I was thinking about for the office.  In fact, I had seen a similar thing at a party I had gone to a few years back at Presidential Towers.  I can’t remember the name of the company that was having the party, but they do a lot of training, and web developement.  Needless to say, they had a webapp that you could browse their music collection, and then add to the current playlist.  It was one of the cooler ideas I’ve seen for a small business/office.

    And now that xbox’s are $150, this means you can get a awesome little media center for around $200 (if you mod it yourself).  To all those with xbox’s, I say go for it because it’s so easy, and you can get so much more out of your black and green box.

  • Oh God, We’re Going to Die!

    Well, I subscribe to the Reuter’s Health RSS feed, and I found this article.  Now come on people, are our children really this dumb?  Is this outbreak in stupidity quarantined in Ohio?  For Christ’s sake, the children are “our future.”

  • Always Funny

    I always find it funny when I stumble across websites such as this.  I thought the best part was definitely the “Kids Corner” banner going down the side.  I don’t think I want to go on and ramble about my thoughts on the RIAA and the like.  It pretty much boils down to, they are trying to retain a business plan that doesn’t work anymore, in whatever ways possible.  Yeah, it sucks, and yeah, they’re more or less burying their heads in the sand, but it is their business and money to lose…