
  • Xbox “Problems”

    Happy Turkey Day! I hope ya’ll are having a good Thanksgiving with your families, etc. I’m at home (Champaign) playing with my new toys I got yesterday. Since Colleen is working tonight (double pay, so she’s excited), I decided against going home.

    So yesterday I got both the wireless xbox adapter and my pronto remote. Since I didn’t have the laptop, Colleen took it to work, I decided to screw around with the xbox first. The pronto really needs to be setup with a program on the PC, so that’s the need for the laptop. And I wasn’t about to run up and down the stairs whenever I wanted to test something (eventhough that’s how things turned out in the end).

    So, before I really started messing around with the adapter (I had already tried it and set it up just to be sure it worked), I wanted to try and put in a ATA100 IDE cable in the xbox instead of the ATA33 one it had. As I’m sure you can all sense, bad things were to ensue…So I open it up, and for whatever unholy reason, I decided to touch and giggle one of the solder points of the mod chip. This of course was the one that made the original mod difficult. Well, I put it all together and the xbox frags (on, off, on, off, on, flashing red and green) so I can’t use it. At about this point was the starting of the madness. This happened right after Colleen left, so around 7:30-8ish. So I open it back up and take a better look at it. Sure enough, when I had stripped the wire the first time, I had cut a little too deep and there was probably one strand of the wire that was still making contact. However, if I moved the wire the correct way, it would make contact and all was good. So, being the genius that I am, try to tape it in one of these correct orientations. Needless to say, once the tape was down, it didn’t work. So, in the process of removing the tape, I totally ripped the wire right off the solder point. ARG. Now, I have to drive back to work in order to get my solder/flux and soldering iron.

    Before I begin with the rest of this, I should preface it a little…
    The wire used is either 22 or 24 gauge (think as small as possible)
    Let’s just say the original soldering of it didn’t go too smoothly and the trace is actually exposed (the wire in the trace is sticking up and the hole it was originally supposed to go in is, well, gone)
    So, I’m already starting with barely anything, but I don’t have any wire sitting around to bypass this point (the d0 point) and either go straight to the chip the trace goes to or connect to the alternate d0 point on the back of the xbox motherboard. So, I sit down with it, and with my surprise, after only a few seconds of solder (not including tinning the soldering iron tip, since it’s brand new) I’m able to boot the xbox without it fragging. The mod chip is enabled, and I can easily get into the xbox. However, when the mod chip is disabled, it still frags (ARRRRG!!!). After searching the forums over at for awhile, I come to the conclusion that it’s still the d0 point. However, when I simply push on the solder job with a metal object it boots, so I’m really confused. What I didn’t notice (because the TV wasn’t on this whole time, just the receiver) was that when I pushed on it, it boots into the mod chip still, even with it disabled. This is when I started getting REALLY confused. However, since I’ve only played with the d0 point, it had to be that. Well, after a little more solder-play, I finally got it to boot both when the mod chip is on and off. Needless to say, I put electrical tape over the connection. The good news is when I stripped the wire this time, my knife was so dull, it barely got through the plastic, so the same problem shouldn’t occur again.

    Oh, and you think the night’s over now, don’t you?! HA! Now that I got the xbox working properly (around 10ish), I wanted to actually start playing with it like I had originally planned. Well, xbox xlink works. I didn’t actually join any games, though, because there were so few people on it. Also, because they were all playing games I didn’t have (minus Halo, but all the games were filled). However, now that the xbox was connected, I wanted to get working what I had originally purchased and modded it to do, stream mp3’s off my server upstairs to my receiver and speakers. With Xbox Media Player (xbmp), you can “easily” stream music, movies, pictures, etc, off of typical windows shares (samba, or smb, shares), by simply connecting to them. There’s a howto in the xbmp guide. Well, needless to say, it wasn’t simple for my setup (of course). The machine that has all the mp3’s is a Windows 2003 server. I didn’t have a problem, when I shared out the files from my XP machine. Knowing darn well, the config file for xbmp was correct, I installed Ethereal, packet sniffing software, on my server to see what was going on. It kept saying that access was denied whenever the xbox tried to connect to the share (and it was hitting the correct share). Well, I decided to visit the xbmp forums. Sure enough, I’m not the only one having problems with xbmp connecting to Windows 2003 shares. After much scouring the forums, I found that because of win2k3’s advanced security features, by default it only accepts encrypted passwords. Of course, xbmp sends the passwords in plaintext instead of encrypted. So I have to disable it. Well, there’s a registry entry to disable it (I won’t give it here for reasons told later…), so of course I go and disable it. Since it’s a registry entry, it takes a restart to apply. So, reluctantly, I restart my server. When it boots back up, I head down stairs, get into xbmp, look at the network share, and HOLY COW!!! it works. I start streaming audio, it works great, so I start navigating through the various directories, when all the sudden I get the blank screen, no more directories (what happens when it can’t connect to a share). So, I head back upstairs and look at the registry entry. WHAT THE HELL?!?!!? I reverted back to the previous setting. I try it again, but again it reverts itself. Odd…something must be overwriting the setting after awhile. The only thing I can think of that doesn’t apply immediately until everything’s loaded is a group policy setting (GPO). Needless to say, in order to actually do this correctly, you need to modify in both the Domain Controller Security Policy and Domain Security Policy, the “Microsoft Network Server: Digitally Sign Communication (always) policy to be disabled. This entry can be found in Local Policies, Security Options. I tried manually changing the setting on my servers local policy, but I quickly found out that the GPO overrode the setting. This brings us up to 1:30am, doh!

    Well, needless to say, I FINALLY got the xbox working like I want. I’m currently sitting on the floor with the laptop, getting ready to play with the pronto while listening to mp3’s from the xbox. I’m just glad that it works now. I’ll probably submit this to the xbmp website to incorporate in their guide from now on, because there was no nice and easy place to go to find this info…

    Oh, and again, have a happy turkey day 🙂

  • Happy Turkey Day

    Ok, why does fedex think that my wireless xbox adapter needs to spend the WHOLE day in chicago? It got there at 6am this morning, and didn’t leave till after 5pm. Grrrr…

    Oh, and for those of you that have a modded xbox, and don’t really want to pay for xbox live, I’ve found a nice free alternative here. You can even use it if you don’t have a modded xbox, but it then requires you to start games for an PC. Whereas, if you have a modded xbox, you can start games right from your tv! Plus there’s a messenger client (for the PC) and you can use games that are saved to your xbox harddrive. I think I’m in heaven! Also, voice comm works, and it works with all 37 xbox live games. How can you go wrong?

    It’s almost time for Turkey Day, so if I don’t get around to updating it before then, Happy Turkey Day from all of us here at (and by that, I mean me).

  • Lovely Weather We’re Having

    Holy crap, I almost wore shorts yesterday when Colleen and I went to take a walk. This morning I woke up to snow. What is up with that? For the last week the students that work with us have been wearing shorts, and it SNOWS!?!!

    Lets see, what’s new…other than the friggin SNOW!!!

    I finally found out that the xbox wireless controller was released, so of course I ordered it 🙂 It should be here tomorrow and I can’t wait. I’ll actually be able to stream stuff to the xbox, and it’ll be great. Hopfully it’ll work well with my wireless network.

    Yeah, so my receiver seems to always turn on in the middle of the night, and other times when we’re not using it. I’ve deduced that it’s the remote (after taking the batteries out of the remote it didn’t turn on!). So I’ve also ordered the new pronto remote. That should keep me busy for awhile, while I program it to work wil all my stuff. Hopefully that’ll come before Turkey Day too, but I’m not holding my breath.

    Let’s all let the snow stop!

  • Trip to Grand Rapids

    Geez, and I wanted to be updating this site semi-daily. Oh well, so much for that. Where to start…

    Went to the Howie Day concert on Friday. It was really good! There were two openers, Toby Lightman and Matt Nathanson. Both of which I highly recommend. Unfortunately, Toby doesn’t have an album out yet, but it should be sometime soon. Also, if you’re going to get one of Matt Nathanson’s albums, I recommend his newest one (Beneath These Fireworks) over his first. His voice has definitely matured on his second album. Talk about a funny guy too, it was a good time.

    The plan was that Colleen and I were going to drive up on Thursday night to Detriot, but then neither of us got any sleep the night before, so we decided to drive up to Grand Rapids (where the concert was) on Friday, stick around for the concert and then drive to Detriot after that. However, when we got to Grand Rapids, we met up with my Aunt, and she invited us to stay the night. That was probably the more sane way of doing it, since the concert didn’t get out till after midnight EST.

    The reason I didn’t get any sleep the night before was because we (Nick, Jason, and I) decided to move the servers out of our office and into a different room. Needless to say, this took a little longer than we expected. I came in around 9:15pm Weds night, and didn’t leave until 7:30am Thurs morning. I just went home for a shower, and then came back in till 3ish. Yeah, I’m glad we decided against driving up on Thrusday evening. It wouldn’t have gone well, especially since Colleen worked Weds night and then had training Thurs, so she didn’t get any sleep either.

    Speaking of Jason, Jason Minard as started working at DIA now, since Nick has moved out of DS and into a permanent position at DIA. Things will be…different. In other things at work, I’ve been working a lot of getting various scripts working (inventory, logs, etc) to make my life easier. Batching processes is much easier than having to do remedial tasks one at a time. Automation is a great thing too. Slowly, but surely I’m making my mark here at DIA. Hopefully it’ll give me more leeway later on in my career. Speaking of work, I should probably get back to doing some instead of working on stuff from home 🙂

  • MP3 Player

    Phew, it’s been awhile since I last updated. I’ve been meaning to, just haven’t gotten around to it. So, this may be a little long (as if that’s never happened). We’ll start with the most recent stuff first, since those are the things I remember.

    Well, I just bought an mp3 player today, a Rio Cali 256MB. It’ll be nice to have something when climbing and when Colleen and I join a gym. It seems to have all the features I want, and it has expandability, etc. It’d be a lot nicer if there was someplace you could go to get a comprehensive list of mp3 players. I really didn’t want a harddrive based one (ala iPod) because of the weight and the moving parts, but I also wanted something with at least 256MB of flash RAM. Also, the Rio has a pretty good menu system, according to the few reviews I actually saw.

    Speaking of joining a gym, I mentioned in the last post about it. However, we just found out we can’t join till the end of December. Grr, I guess I’ll just have to wait a few more months. It’ll be nice, though, to actually start lifting again instead of running and climbing. Something to break up the same old will be nice.

    Basketball season has started. We showed the student workers how to setup, etc today. Unfortunatly, I think basketball gameday is worse than football. Thankfully we should have wireless stats monitors this year, so we don’t have to run wires all over assembly hall before each bball game. The only bad thing with the wireless stats is that they don’t have their own wireless band, so we have NO clue how they’re going to work on gameday with the headsets, etc that are also wireless. And, well, when we tried them out today they didn’t work perfectly like they had when we initially tried them earlier in the week. Joy.

    I know there’s tons of other stuff, but for the life of me I can’t remember. Oh well…

  • Happy Halloween

    Happy (belated) Halloween! Last night we went over to Nick (co-worker) and Lori’s house and had a get-together of sorts. It was a good time, and it got us out of the house. I think I had my sugar fill for the next month though. Between the cookies, the lil’ smokies with bacon smothered in brown sugar, the cupcakes, and the Halloween candy, I’m done. It was a good time though.

    I don’t know why, but I felt young there. The people that were there were around mid 20’s, but for some reason I felt as if I didn’t really fit in, age-wise. Maybe it’s because all these people are married or getting married in the near future and have houses, etc. Oh well, I’m in no rush 🙂

    Work has been slowing down, thankfully. Basketball season starts up on the 9th, so we’re trying to get ready for it. Nick is moving to a management/administration position in DIA, so he is leaving us DS consultants. So, now I’ll be working with Jason Minard, who is being moved over from a different dept. Also, Nick isn’t moving out of our hole in the wall office, so we’ve been deciding on what to do to make it bigger. Especially now since there’ll be him, Jason, myself, plus (at most) 4 students in the office at once. We’ve been given approval to move the rack containing the servers out of the office and to stick them into a different closet. I can’t wait for that to happen! Lots more space, AND it will actually be quiet in the office. No white background noise all the time.

    Colleen and I went looking at a gym to join the other day. Most likely we’ll become members, especially since she gets about a 50% discount since she works at Cunningham Children’s Home. For $38 a month for the 2 of us, I think we can handle it. Plus, I know I’ll be over there a lot using it. Especially now that it’s starting to get cold (I greatly dislike running outside when it’s cold).

    I think that’s about it. Have a great weekend…

  • Bored at Work

    Well, I’m bored at work. I really shouldn’t be updating my website from here, but I’m about ready to fall asleep anyways. Thankfully work has been slowing down somewhat. I’d like to think that it has something to do with me being here :), but I think it has more to do with it not being the beginning of the school year.

    Today I started spending some of my tech budget. Bought 4 MCSE books to start my MS certification, along with a general Windows 2003 book. The people here at DS are all about furthering my education. The way I see it, the faster I get my basic certs, the faster I can do more fun things. Also work related, we’re supposed to join a Tech Team for whatever reason. I’ve joined the exchange team. Unfortunately right now, nobody else is in the group, but hopefully it will start rolling with exchange 2003.

    In other news, I purchased a pair of Klipsch KLF-30’s for the stereo. It’s nice actually having speakers that compliment the receiver. I’m currently looking for a KLF C7, preferrably in Medium Oak for my center channel. If anybody stumbles across one, I’d be much abliged if you’d pass it onto me.

  • Furniture!

    Ok, so 11 days isn’t THAT far apart…I was really meaning to update this weekend, but so much has been going on that I haven’t gotten around to it. We’ll begin at where the last post left off. Shall we?

    WOOOOHOOOO!!!! We have furniture in the living room, other than a futon! I’m so excited, that I just can’t hide it ;). A nice comfy couch and chair really add to the room. However, they now dwarf everything else in it. We still need a coffee table, or something, but for the time being we’re using the ottoman as a table of some sort. It works half way decently, but a table would be nice. The table and chairs work nicely in the kitchen area. Instead of having the phone on the ground, it’s now on the table. It also gives us someplace to put our keys, wallet, etc.

    The router is nice. Especially now that I figured out why it’s been dropping my wan connection every once in awhile. Turns out the network cable wasn’t plugged all the way in. Oh well 🙂 Other than the dropping of connections, it works great. It does everything I wanted it to do. Just need to manually assign the DNS servers to each machine, otherwise they can’t authenticate to my domain controller. With 3/4 machines, I can handle that. The wireless part is still somewhat open. I’m not running WEP, but I’m also not broadcasting my SSID and I have MAC filtering on. So far I haven’t seen any problems, but then again there weren’t any wireless networks around that I could connect to here either. Just need a bridge for my xbox and all is set.

    Speaking of the xbox…I finally got my 200GB drive from Dell. Western Digital, 7200 RMP, 8MB cache drive. Not bad, especially after I get my rebates back. Total cost = $22.36. Can’t go wrong with that. Just need to mail those rebates in tomorrow. So, I’ve installed the drive in my xbox, and it’s purring away with a few extra games. I just wish there was a game out (other than Kotor) that I could just get sucked into. Hopefully when GTA:3 and GTA:VC get released that will be the case. I’m also really looking forward to is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The fighting sequences look awesome.

    ***UPDATE TO ABOVE*** Well, it seems as if my initial reaction of it just being the network cable were wrong. Sure enough, while I was writing this entry my internet went out. Needless to say, it’s been 24 hours and I haven’t heard back from US Robotics.

    ***UPDATE AGAIN*** Yes, it just went out again…somewhere between me checking the link to CTHD and US Robotics. I think I need to call…

  • A Fun Saturday

    Well, after Colleen and I sat through three quarters of the humiliation that was the Illinois vs Michigan State game, we decided to go look at furniture. We ended up buying a couch, a chair, an ottoman, a table, and two chairs. Woohoo! We’ll actually have furniture within the week! And thankfully each of the things we purchased are in, so we don’t have to wait like we did for the bed.The couch, chair, and ottoman are a set. They are a faded blue color and VERY comfortable. The table is small (30″x30”), has a weathered look, and will reside in the kitchen area. We’ll probably keep one of the chairs at that table, and then move the other one into the living room, since we don’t really have room for 3 chairs in the kitchen. We also hung the paintings today. The apt is actually starting to resemble a home.

    On a similar note, if you’re buying furniture in Champaign-Urbana, do yourself a favor and go to Carter’s. Yeah, the prices seem a little bit higher, but the quality is much better and the staff is superb. Particularly, at Rhodes, I feel like I’m walking into a used car lot. The sales staff is sitting around waiting for “fresh meat” to enter the door, they smell like cheap cologne, and just TOTALLY remind me of used car dealers. This is the second time I’ve been there, and I’ve gotten that impression both times. Carter’s is just nice, and, much like my shocking experience at the Audi dealership in St. Louis, they don’t seem to mind that Colleen and I look like we can’t afford anything. They still give us the time of day. So refreshing.

    In other news, I got my wireless router all hooked up. Mostly messing with it now. I’m using Nick’s old laptop with a wireless card. It’s much fun. Just need to lock it down now, so nobody starts leeching my service.

  • Misc and Viruses

    Ok, lets get the important things out of the way first. Infamous pr0n stars is experiencing technical difficulties, so I’ll post a few goodies that should be there. Welcome Nick (aka BDR), Bud (aka Shifty), and Jason (aka SapSparky) to ips. We’re very delighted to have you aboard. Now, one of the main reasons we have these 3 newcomers aboard is because both Michael (aka lastwurm) and I have decided Halo is the new ips game of choice. Yes, it’s that good. Would I lie to you? Oh, and we have a server running. Currently it’s called ips_Halo. Its IP is (I believe). It’s full 90% of the time, so keep it that way 🙂

    In other news, the exchange migration went, well…umm, well, it’s done. Needless to say it didn’t go as smoothly as I had anticipated, but that was sort of expected since it IS exchange. It took a little (read, a LOT) of finessing, but it’s up and running. It’s one of those things that takes a lot of time to get working right, but once it’s up and running you won’t have to touch it. I suppose I can live with that.

    Now, on to not so pleasant news. Yesterday when I went into work, I had a few emails from University Security waiting for me in my mailbox. Never a good thing ;). Apparantly a DIA (Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, where I work) sanctioned spam was sent out to LOTS of people. Thankfully it wasn’t being sent off one of our servers, but since it was about sports, DIA was to blame. It was infact sent by a DIA dept, but that’s just the beginning. When I checked the mail-enabled public folder that the email had in its from field, it was 7MB. This is 7MB larger than it was when Nick and I were checking it the day before at around 3PM. The email that was sent was maybe 100KB in size. Needless to say it was ugly. Apparantly security got wind of the spam because some people had complained to them about this unwanted mailing. Namely all of the students on campus. What happened, was we have an outside vendor that takes care of selling tickets online. Well, a different dept contacted this vendor to see if they could help them send out a newsletter. Needless to say the vendor didn’t contact the lady that’s in charge of ticket sales here, so the vendor just took all the email addresses they had on their ticket sales servers. Normally this would be fine. If somebody signs up for something with an email address it’s fair game. However, in order to provide the student discount to season tickets ordered online, the Office of Admissions and Records (OAR) provided the lady in charge of tickets with a dump of all the current students’ UIN number (the number on their ID card). Apparantly with that dump came with netids/email addresses. OAR explicitly forbade the lady at the ticket office from using the email addresses for and sort of emailing. For all we know, she may have signed an agreement with them. I’m sure you see the problem now…the vendor used ALL those email addresses in the newsletter without even contacting the ticket sales lady. Needless to say she’s in a shit-ton of problems right now. Then to top this already huge fiasco, this emailing was a one time only email which asked if you wanted to opt-in. However, all the links for the vast majority of the people DIDN’T EVEN WORK. This occured because some of the email addresses were sent in all caps. Apparantly the vendor’s software solution didn’t recognize the email addresses when they were in all caps. *sigh* Apparantly there’s a meeting with the CIO tomorrow along with Security. I still don’t know if I’m apart of that meeting or not. Either way it should be fun.