
  • Migration to WordPress Network Part 3

    I haven’t talked about this in awhile, but everything has been running smoothly. Having only two instances I need to worry about is definitely better than the 5+.

    However, today, I wanted to add a subdomain to a domain that is hosted in the WordPress Network. It took a few minutes to remember what I had done (thankfully all the articles I already read helped), but a few minutes later I had a subdomain running.

    Essentially it is the same setup as before:

    1. Create the website in the WordPress Network Admin site (i.e.
    2. Create the subdomain mirror entry in the Dreamhost panel under your main WordPress Network domain (i.e.
    3. Create the subdomain mirror entry in the Dreamhost panel for the site you want (i.e.
    4. Add in the domain mapping
    5. Celebrate!
  • Search Schedule Script

    To setup the crawl configuration for the default local sites, you can use the script below:

    $ssaName="Search Service Application"
    $incremental=New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.DailySchedule($context)
    $fullCrawl=New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.WeeklySchedule($context)
    $contentsource = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlContentSource -SearchApplication $ssaName -Identity "Local SharePoint Sites"
  • SQL Server Issues

    Last week I was beating my head against the table, because a VM I had quickly created wasn’t allowing SQL to install.  I kept receiving the following error in the detailed SQL error log:

    Configuration action failed for feature SQL_Engine_Core_Inst during timing ConfigRC and scenario ConfigRC.
    External component has thrown an exception.
    The configuration failure category of current exception is ConfigurationFailure
    Configuration action failed for feature SQL_Engine_Core_Inst during timing ConfigRC and scenario ConfigRC.
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception.
    at Microsoft.Win32.SafeNativeMethods.CloseHandle(IntPtr handle)
    at System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.InternalDispose()
    at System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
    at System.Diagnostics.Process.Close()
    at System.Diagnostics.Process.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
    at System.ComponentModel.Component.Dispose()
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.SqlServerServiceBase.WaitSqlServerStart(Process processSql)
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.SqlEngineDBStartConfig.ConfigSQLServerSystemDatabases(EffectiveProperties properties, Boolean isConfiguringTemplateDBs, Boolean useInstallInputs)
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.SqlEngineDBStartConfig.DoCommonDBStartConfig(ConfigActionTiming timing)
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlConfigBase.SlpConfigAction.ExecuteAction(String actionId)
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlConfigBase.SlpConfigAction.Execute(String actionId, TextWriter errorStream)
    Exception: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException.
    Source: System.
    Message: External component has thrown an exception.

    It turns out that I accidentally downloaded the debug check build version of Windows 2008 R2 SP1, and well, you can’t install SQL with that version.  Needless to say, the error message makes this completely obvious.  Found the hint to look at the ISO I was using on MSDN social.

  • LAFHA Math

    Just throwing this down as finding this math or an explanation of it has eluded us until we actually could do it based on paystubs.  LAFHA is an in/out transaction (deduction and then addition).

    • Monthly Taxable Income =  Monthly Gross – LAFHA
    • Figure Taxes based on Monthly Taxable Income
    • Monthly Net Pay = Monthly Taxable Income – Taxes + LAFHA
  • CloudFlare

    I was using CloudFlare for awhile, but realized it was causing a few issues.  In practice it sounds like a great idea, essentially the same as any CDN, but free.  However, when editing posts on other websites, WordPress was never able to adjust the ajax to format the  text in the visual viewer.  It wasn’t really that it didn’t render it, it was more that it would take until a timeout is hit to render anything in the body field.

    Simply not acceptable.  As soon as I deactivated CloudFlare, it worked great.  Needless to say, it’s not something I really need, so I just removed it.

  • Migration to WordPress Network Part 2

    I had two outstanding items to figure out before migrating my last site.  Today I was able to knock off one.

    My Director installation used to be a directory under my website.  Unfortunately, with migrating to a wordpress network, that wouldn’t work.  This is because everything is done via DNS redirection and so a directory doesn’t physically sit where you think it does.  I can only think of the nightmares it could cause.

    Instead, I moved it to a sub domain.  This seemed to fix all the issues, and it is actually pretty nice there.  I just had to update a few links on various pages, make a few php.ini updates, and all was well.

    Now it’s on to the massive site.  I think I have to import only a few records at a time.  Turns out, with all the media attached to each post, it kept timing out.

    Update: Well, that was a fun experiment.  Since I can’t seem to upload any of my previous entries (Dreamhost kills the script), I’ve decided things are working ok with two WordPress installs, and that’s how it will stay.  The other site is huge anyways, so it makes sense…

  • Net.TCP, IIS7, and Classic AppPools

    With the application that I’m helping “make fast” one of the optimizations identified by an architect was to use net.pipe or net.tcp on the application tier.  This was because the services on that tier call into each other, and waste a lot of time doing all the encapsulation that comes with wsHttpBinding.

    We had tried to first use net.pipe because it is incredibly fast and it is all local.  However, because of how they do security here, it didn’t work.  Next up, net.tcp.

    Overall, it wasn’t that difficult to setup the services with dual bindings (wsHttpBinding for calls from other servers and net.tcp for calls originating from the same server).  Granted, there were a lot of changes, and since all the configs are manually done here, was very error-prone.  I will be glad not to do any detailed configurations for a while.

    Anyways, we did our testing of the build that incorporated it through 3 different environments, and over the weekend it went into Production.  Of course, that is when the issues started.

    Bright and early Monday morning, users were presented with a nice 500 error after they logged into the application.  On the App tier servers we were getting the following error in the Application event log with every request to the services:

    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        ASP.NET 4.0.30319.0
    Event ID:      1088
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Failed to execute request because the App-Domain could not be created. Error: 0x8000ffff Catastrophic failure

    Well, since it mentioned the App Domain, we ran an IISReset and all was well.  I didn’t think too much into it at the time and only did some cursory searching as it was the first time we saw it.  However, today it happened again.

    Our app is consistently used between 7AM and about 7PM, but during the night it isn’t used at all.  This is when the appPool is scheduled to be recycled (3AM).  It had appeared as if the recycle was what was killing us, as only the App Domain is recycled and not the complete worker process.

    Immediately we had the guys here remove the nightly recycle and change it to a full IISReset.  At least that way we had a workaround until we could determine the actual root cause, come up with a fix, and test said fix.  However, it didn’t take long to determine the actual root cause…

    One of the interesting things about this issue, was after it started happening in Production, a few of the other environments started exhibiting similar symptoms: Prod-Like and a smaller, sandbox environment.  Mind you, neither of these environments had these issues during testing.

    So, I took some time to dive in and actually figure out the problem.  At first I thought it was because there were some metabase misconfigurations in these environments.  I wouldn’t say that all of these environments were pristine, nor consistent between each other.  I found a few things, but nothing really stood out…until…

    While I was doing diffs against the various applicationHost.config files, NotePad++ told me it had been edited and needed to be refreshed (them removing the appPool recycles).  However, as soon as this happened the 500 errors started.  It didn’t help they did both machines at the same time which took down the whole application, but that’s another story.

    This led me to believe that it wasn’t something within the configuration, but it also showed me how to reproduce it, at least part way.  The part that I was missing was that I had to first hit the website to invoke the services and then change the configs causing an app domain recycle.

    Then I attempted to connect to the worker process with windbg to see what it was doing.  However, that was a complete failure as nothing actually happened to the process.  No exceptions being thrown, no threads stuck, etc.  It appeared to just sit there.

    A bit of searching later led me to an article that had the exact same issues we were having, and that changing from a Classic to Integrated appPool fixed it.  However, it didn’t mention why.  Of course I tried it and it worked.  To appease the customer’s inquiries I knew I needed to find out why though.

    I still don’t have a great solution, but apparently net.tcp and WAS activation has to be done in Integrated mode.  If it isn’t, you get the 500 error.  But ours works fine until the app domain is recycled.  Well, according to SantoshOnline, “if you are using netTcpBinding along with wsHttpBinding on IIS7 with application pool running in Classic Mode, you may notice the ‘Server Application Unavailable’ errors. This happens if the first request to the application pool is served for a request coming over netTcpBinding. However if the first request for the application pool comes for an http resource served by .net framework, you will not notice this issue.”

    That would’ve been nice to know from Microsoft’s article on it, or at least a few more details.  I remember reading an article about the differences between Integrated and Classic, but I sure don’t remember anything specific to this.

    Anyways, hope this helps someone who runs into the same issue…

  • Windows 2008 Performance Alerts

    This may seem silly to some of you, but I am still getting used to Windows 2008.  Sadly, I don’t spend as much time actually administering servers as I used to (silly management), so it usually takes me a bit longer to make my way around 2008 than 2003.  I like to think they made everything more complex, but for some reason I’m sure I’ll get booed about that.

    Anyways, this morning I was attempting to setup some performance alerts on some servers we’re having issues with.  Basically I wanted to have it email us when it reached a certain threshold.  No big deal, thinking I had this, I created the email app, created a performance counter, and then manually added it in.

    Needless to say that didn’t work.  It took me awhile to figure out why too as my little email utility worked fine.  So I began a new search in order to find out how stupid I was being.

    Turns out, quite a lot of stupid.  Instead of using the utility, you can now use scheduled task items…which includes an email action!  I basically used the instructions over at Sam Martin’s blog, which, I may add, he posted about in April of this year.  I’m not the only n00b.  Plus, who doesn’t have an enterprise system that deals with this sort of stuff already (at least at the types of clients I work with)?


    1. Open up perfmon
    2. Create a new User Defined Data Collector Set
    3. Choose to create manually after naming
    4. Select Performance Counter Alert
    5. Add in the performance counter you care about (mine was requests executing in apps 4.0)
    6. Choose the user to run it as
    7. Edit the Data Collector in the Data collector set
    8. Change the sample interval to whatever works for you (I set mine to 60s so we can be on top of issues prior to the users)
    9. Under Alert task, give it a name (e.g. EmailAlert) and give it a task argument (you can combine them to form a sentence like “the value at {date} was {value}”
    10. Start the Data Collector Set
    Schedule Tasks
    1. Open up scheduled tasks
    2. Create a task, not a basic task
    3. Name it the exact same name you did in step 9 above (i.e. EmailAlert)
    4. Check “user is logged in or not” so that it runs all the time
    5. Create a new email action under the Action tab
    6. Enter all the info for from, to, subject, etc.  To send to multiple people, comma separate the addresses.
    7. For the body, type whatever you want, and then $(Arg0) will pass the task argument you made in step 9 above.
    8. Enter the SMTP server.


    Since the performance counter was set to an application pool, whenever that pool disappears (IISReset, idle timeout, etc.) the counter stops.

    Currently Reading (could take awhile): [amazon_image id=”B000QCS8TW” link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]A Game of Thrones: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book One[/amazon_image]

  • Dummy Files

    We are doing some document uploading to SharePoint, and needed some test files of various sizes.  If you have Visual Studio installed, you have the tools required to make these files.  Just make sure you run as administrator, and use the following command.

    FSUTIL FILE CREATENEW 100MBTest.mdb 104857600
    Usage: FSUTIL FILE CREATENEW [Filename] [Size in bytes]

  • Migration to WordPress Network

    Well, the migration to a WordPress Network is nearing completion.  All sites, except for my largest (in terms of uploaded content) have been migrated, and figuring out what I’m going to do with my Director install.  This will save me so much time with upgrades and various other maintenance from now on.

    I know that I had a post about this earlier, specifically how to do this on Dreamhost, but I thought I’d provide a few additional insights.

    1. If you are using subdomains instead of folders, do not have Dreamhost tack on www to the root Network domain until after you’ve migrated all sites over.  If you aren’t migrating, but simply setting up all new sites, then you don’t have to worry about it.  This causes issues because it tries to resolve to, which doesn’t exist.
    2. I am using full domains to map to the subdomains via the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin.  If you want to have non-www resolve to www, make sure is your primary and is also listed.
    3. If you have the Domain Mapping already setup to point to your during the migration, when you try to hit, it will redirect you to  That is, reverse mappings happen also, which is cool.
    4. Depending on when you setup your domains at Dreamhost, it is possible their A records point to different IP addresses.  Mirroring only works when they have the same A record IP.  This happened to me on quite a few domains.  To fix, simply delete the domain from Dreamhost, then recreate it as a mirror.  Once the mirror is created, re-setup your custom MX records or any other DNS records you originally had.
    5. Don’t import entries on a crappy network connection.  It doesn’t work and continuously times out.

    Outside of those issues, it went fairly painlessly.  It also helps if you have someplace that has quickly updating DNS.  I can’t tell you how many times I saw the “bad_http_conf” error, while I was waiting for DNS to propagate.

    I’m also amazed at how easily most of the plugins have worked with the network config.  I was really expecting more pains in that area.