
I just want to thank Aaron for pointing me towards the awesome game, Sid Meier’s Pirates! It’s so basic, yet so incredibly fun.  In other news, it’s coming out for Xbox, well, today.  So, go rent it or something.  And if you don’t have an Xbox yet, shame on you.


6 responses to “Pirates!”

  1. AaronBinford Avatar

    BEST GAME EVAR. I don’t know why, but this game is like digital crack.

  2. AaronBinford Avatar

    BEST GAME EVAR. I don’t know why, but this game is like digital crack.

  3. b Avatar

    nice. I played for a while. you can totally crank up the graphics and it is a lot easier to control during the fight scenes, and *ack* dancing. I never found my family, but I retired at like 50 after killing all the other pirates and destroying every Spanish city and implanting English lords. I stopped playing it soon after b-c even tho the spanish cities were all english, I kept seeing spanish ships and they kept taking the english towns.

  4. b Avatar

    nice. I played for a while. you can totally crank up the graphics and it is a lot easier to control during the fight scenes, and *ack* dancing. I never found my family, but I retired at like 50 after killing all the other pirates and destroying every Spanish city and implanting English lords. I stopped playing it soon after b-c even tho the spanish cities were all english, I kept seeing spanish ships and they kept taking the english towns.

  5. rebelpeon Avatar

    damn spanish

  6. rebelpeon Avatar

    damn spanish